Web User - UK (2019-08-07)

(Antfer) #1

64 7 - 20August 2019

Web browserswith multiple tabs, photo
editorswith large imagesandother
resource-hungry programs may need
gigabytes ofmemory tofunction.
If there isinsufficient RAMinthe
computer, Windowstemporarily saves
chunksof the databeing heldthere to
the hard drive.This iscalledvirtual
memory.While it keeps things running
losinginformation,the datahas tobe
reloaded fromthe hard drive whenit’s
neededagain.Todothis, anotherchunk
ofRAMmay needtobewrittentothe
hard drive tomake space for it. Using
the hard drive asanextension ofRAMis
therefore veryslow, particularlyif you
havea mechanicalmodelratherthan an
For acomputer torunatmaximum
speed, it shouldn’t beusing the diskas
virtualmemory.Upgradethe PC’s RAM
soit doesn’t runshort ofmemory.These
days, 8GB isconsideredthe minimum
amountofRAMrequiredfor acomputer

Close browser tabs
It’s easy toget carried awaywith the
numberoftabsyou haveopeninyour
web browser andend upwith adozen
or more.APCwith 4GB ofmemory
can runout ofRAMwith just 10 tabs
open, atwhich point it startsmoving
RAMtothe virtualmemory onthe
hard drive,thereby slowing
Toavoidthis, keepthe tabsyou’re
using toa minimumandclose any you
aren’t using.Tosee howmuch
memory isbeing usedbyopentabs in
Chrome,clickthe three-doticonto
openthe menu and select‘More
tools’, followed by‘Task manager’.
Click the ‘Memory footprint’ column
headertosortthe listbymemory
usage andsee which tabsare
consumingthe most.
Chrome’s memory usage
sometimes justkeeps growing andwe
haveseena single tab end up using
over 2GB ofmemory –it would have
usedevenmore if wehadn’t closedit.


xtensions inweb browsersuse
a lot ofmemory,sometimes as
muchas 50 MBeach. Ina
worst-case scenario,a dozen
extensionsfor Chromecould require
over half a gigabyteofmemory,and
thatdoesn’t evenincludethe memory
usedbythe browser itself orany tabs
containingopenweb pages. This
hoggingofresources isa problemwith
web browsers onPCs thathavelimited
memory,soit’s worth checking how
mucheachextension isusing.
Openthe Chrome menu andselect
‘More tools’, then‘Task manager’.
Lookfor the names ofextensions
thatare running. Any extensionsnot
being usedcan betemporarily
disabled,then enabled again later
if you needthem. Gotothe Chrome
menu and click‘More tools’,
Extensions, thenuse the switches

Limit browser extensions to save memory

Checkmemory usage
Tosee howmuchmemory isbeing used
andwhethermore isneeded, right-click
anempty partof the taskbar andselect
TaskManager. Click ‘More details’ if
necessary,thenselectthe Performance
tab andclickMemory onthe left. Open
a dozen browser tabsandwatch the
memory usage rise. If thishas usedup
mostof the memory,yourcomputer will
benefit froma memory upgrade.

Real memory vs virtual
Programs use memory whenthey’re
runningandsomerequire alot of it.

Extensionsconsume memory, so don’t use too many at once

If you seewords thatlook like
they’ve been typed in a
typewriter, follow the instructions
and type themexactly as they
appear, paying closeattentionto
spaces and punctuation.

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Maximise your PC’s performance by

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