What we think of this fortnight’s top tech news stories and rumours,
and how they affect you
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Need to Know
How will it affectyou?
One important caveatto
Three’s offer isthatits 5G
network will beavailableonly
inLondon fromAugust,
althoughthe company saysit
will expandits coverageto
25 othercitiesbythe end of
the year. EEstarted rolling
out its 5GservicesinMay,
email, you
attack, where
the hackers
sit between
you andthe
andcan see
What dowethink?
Thisappears tobea
communication failure on
Sky’s part. We’re all taughtto
lookout for phishingemails,
but thatadvicefalls apart if
legitimateemails start tolook
asif theycould havecome
Three won’t charge customers for 5G
Sky scares users with password reset email
while Vodafonefollowed
suit inJuly. O2’s network
will arriveinOctober (see
page 10for details).
What dowethink?
While 5Gisalready an
optionfor Londonersand
those in largercities, most
Brits won’t havecoverage
yet. What’s more,plenty of
phonesdon’t evensupport
5G. Thatmeans there’s no
needfor mostofustorush
intoupgrading –and no
reasontopay extra for it. If
yourphone supports5G,
you liveinan areawith
coverage andyou’retired
ofwaiting for downloads,it
may beworth payingmore
for 5G now.Everyoneelse
isbetteroff savingtheir
money untilthe service
who was confusedbythe
email shouldbeproud of
themselves– well done
for being alert tosuch
threats.Perhaps those
cautiousSky customers
could teach Sky athing or
two about digitalsecurity.
What happened?
The next-generation of
mobile networks has
arrived,but theymay not
costyou any more thanthe
4Gyou’reusing now.Three
has promised toroll out its
5Gservicesacross all
existing packagesatno
extra cost. Thismeans that
if you’rea Three customer
oryou switchtothat
provider, you’ll receive 5G
for the sameprice as4G.
Three’s contracts cost as
little as£10 amonthfor
4GB ofdownloads.In
comparison,the cheapest
costs £30 amonth, while
EE’s mostaffordable plan
is£32 amonth– although
it comes with a 20 GB
data allowance.A
comparablepackage on
What happened?
Sky raisedeyebrowswhen
it senta password reset
email toits customers,
promptingfears ofa
phishingscam. The email
began“Dear Customer,”
ratherthanusing the
customer’s name,and
included alinktoclickto
reset the password –
making it looklikea dodgy
email designedtotrick
their credentials instead of
a realsecuritymessage
froma major company.
The message didn’t
revealwhy Sky was asking
customers toreset their
passwords, simplysaying
thatit was to“keep their
account safe”. While
companies often send
Three costs £18 amonth.
The latestgeneration of
mobile networks brings
fastermobile speeds and
greater capacity, especially in
crowdedareas. It should
meanyou can get online
evenwhile you’reata
football match orinother
emailsadvising users toreset
their passwordsafter adata
breach, Sky saidthatwasn’t
the casehere, and thatno
accountshad beenhacked.
Security researcherGraham
Cluley speculated thatSky
had detecteddodgy
behaviour onsomeaccounts
everyonewith areset.
How will it affectyou?
If you’renot surewho an
email isfrom, don’t openit or
clickany linksit contains. If
you needtoreset a
relevantsiteandlog into
youraccount. Thatway you
can changeyourcredentials
without the risk thata
criminalmay betryingto
stealyour data. If you clicka