political science

(Wang) #1

the incentive to do so. I encourage cross-national research into the conditions that

allow for legislatures to develop policy expertise, such as tenure and reelection
rates, committee resources, and reassignment rates. I also promote cross-national

analysis of roll call voting to map and model the legislative universe of party and
coalition unity, the essential components of decisiveness. Finally, I encourage

empirical studies of legislative–executive bargaining to determine with greater
precision the conditions under which one branch or the other is better able
to secure the policy outcomes it prefers. This is a large agenda, but the

immense progress in the Weld of comparative legislative studies achieved in
recent years—only a sample of which is reviewed in detail here—suggests it is

well within reach.


Aldrich,J.H. 1995 .Why Parties? The Origin and Transformation of Political Parties in
America. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
AmorimNeto, O., Cox, G. W., and McCubbins,M.D. 2003. Agenda power in Brazil’s
Camara dos Deputados, 1989 – 98 .World Politics, 55 ( 4 ): 550 – 78.
Baldez, L. A. and Carey,J.M. 1999. Presidential agenda control and spending policy:
lessons from General Pinochet’s constitution.American Journal of Political Science, 43 ( 1 ):
29 – 55.
Brennan, G. and Pettit,P. 1990. Unveiling the vote.British Journal of Political Science, 20
( 3 ): 311 – 33.
Burns, J. F. and Ives, N. February 13 : 2005. Shiites win most votes in Iraq, election results
show.New York Times International, February 13 : 1 – 22.
Carey,J.M. 1996 .Term Limits and Legislative Representation. New York: Cambridge
University Press.
—— 2002. Parties, coalitions, and the Chilean Congress in the 1990 s. InLegislative Politics in
Latin America, ed. S. Morgenstern and B. Nacif. New York: Cambridge University Press.
—— 2003. Discipline, accountability, and legislative voting in Latin America.Comparative
Politics, 35 ( 2 ): 191 – 211.
—— 2005 a. Political institutions, competing principals, and party unity in legislative
voting. University of California, Institute of Governmental Studies, Paper WP 2005 - 8.
Available at: http://repositories.cdlib.org/igs/WP 2005 - 8.
—— 2005 b. Visible votes: recorded voting and legislative accountability in Latin America.
Working paper. Available at: http://www.dartmouth.edu/jcovey/publications.htm.
—— and Shugart,M.S. 1995. Incentives to cultivate a personal vote: a rank ordering of
electoral formulas.Electoral Studies, 14 ( 4 ): 417 – 39.
—— —— (eds.) 1998 .Executive Decree Authority. New York: Cambridge University Press.
—— Niemi, R. G., and Powell,L.W. 2000 .Term Limits in the State Legislatures.
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.

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