political science

(Wang) #1

it much easier and more tempting to shun institutional commitments. Here we

might adopt the pragmatic test espoused by critical thinkers and ask ourselves: how
is that working?

Trying to think institutionally, I believe that a good question for the leader of any
major public or private enterprise to put to himself or herself is this: Would I want

to be my own successor in this oYce? An equally good question for each generation
to ask itself is: Are we producing a world we would want to inherit? If the answers
are no, it is time to think, and then act, diVerently.


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Geertz,C. 1983 .Local Knowledge. New York: Basic Books.
Granovetter,M. 1985. Economic action and social structure. American Journal of
Sociology, 91 : 481 – 510.
Habermas,J. 1984 .The Theory of Communicative Action. Boston: Beacon Press.
Kelly,J. 2004 .The Great Mortality. New York: HarperCollins.
Kirp,D.L. 2005 .Shakespeare, Einstein, and the Bottom Line: The Marketing of Higher
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Linowitz,S.M. 1999 .The Betrayed Profession: Lawyering at the End of the Twentieth
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March, J. and Olsen,J. 1984. The new institutionalism.American Political Science Review,
78 : 734 – 49.
May,R. 1953 .Man’s Search for Himself. New York: Norton.
Montgomery,J.D. 1983. When local participation helps.Journal of Policy Analysis and
Management, 3 : 90 – 105.
Okun,A. 1981 .Prices and Quantities. Washington, DC: Brookings.
Rousseau,J.J. 1979 .Emile: Or on Education. New York: Basic Books; orig. pub. 1762.
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