political science

(Wang) #1

Association of Southeast Asian Nations
(ASEAN) 616 , 617 , 626 , 650
Atlanta, and local governance regime 507 – 8
attitudes, and judicial
decision-making 518 – 20
audit society 412 , 426
and bicameralism 272 , 490 – 1 , 492
and executive coordination 331
and federalism 261 , 262 , 263 , 266
constitutional amendment 269 – 70
constitutional interpretation 271
intergovernmental relations 275
and local governance 501
and political science traditions 93
and politicization of civil service 336
and tricameralism 484
Australia Group 639
Australian Public Service (APS) 331
and bicameralism 492
and Bundestag 460
and constitutional interpretation 271
and federalism 261 , 262 , 267
and internationalWnancial
institutions 669 , 670
and international security
institutions 647 – 8
and the state 118 – 19

balanced government, and
bicameralism 487 – 90
Bank of England 411
bargaining problems, and trade
institutions 662 – 4
Basle Accord 657
Basle Committee 426
behavioral economics, and rational choice
institutionalism 33 – 4
behavioral revolution:
and challenge to 41
and impact of 40 , 718 , 733 , 750
and politics 5 – 6
and reaction against 92 – 3

and bicameralism 479 , 492
and constitutional interpretation 271
and federalism 261 , 265 , 266 , 267 , 276 , 477
Bhopal disaster 423
and accountability 485
as anti-democratic 476
and balanced government 487 – 90
dual deliberation 487
mixed regimes 487
and cleavage management 491
and Congressional systems 477
and deWnition of 476
and distribution of power 480
and diversity of representation 481 , 485
and executive-legislative relations 481 – 2
and federalism 272 – 3 , 478 , 479
and game-theoretic analysis of 481 – 2
and impact of interchamber conXict 451
and inheritance in 477 , 493
and innovation in 477 , 493
and liberal doctrines of 487 – 8
negative conception of 488 – 9
positive conception of 489 – 90
and multicameralism 483
and parliamentary systems 476 , 477 , 480
political executive 482 – 3
and policy importance of 477
and policy stability 485 , 486
and power-sharing 477
and presidential systems 480
political executive 482 – 3
stalemate 486
and prevalence of 478 , 479
and rational choice institutionalism 485
and redundancy theory 484 – 6
and rejection of 478 – 9
subnational level 479
and research priorities:
analytical history 493
balance concept 494
constitutional settings 493
and semi-presidential systems 480 – 1
and signiWcance of 493

782 subject index

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