Travels in a Tin Can

(Kiana) #1

returning from Louisiana about what to do and where to eat in New Orleans,
the next leg of our travels. They were perfectly friendly, but evidently had not
visited the capital of Mardi Gras for its culture. They told us that they hoped
we liked drinking.... leaving us to wonder if it was obligatory, and the places
they recommended certainly suggested it was for them. The man also told
me, in a somewhat creepy voice, that we should visit the cemetery and should
'take care'. Fortunately the arrival of our food provided a 'get out' from this
increasingly awkward conversation, and we went and hid in the Clubhouse to
eat and watch the film.
The film turned out to be What A Girl Wants, a cheesy chick-flick
starring Colin Firth and set in a US version of London. The movie was
passable, even featuring nostalgia inducing footage of my hometown Henley-
on-Thames. More entertaining than the main presentation was a guy in the
audience who laughed loudly like a braying donkey at inappropriate times, so
he was laughing alone and thus seemed even louder. Reminiscent of the
audience in New York when we watched Love Actually.

San Antonio made it on to our schedule because Emma had visited with her
parents when she was a child and had fond memories of the river walk area.
The town also features the Alamo, famous icon of American history and
therefore hard to avoid visiting. We braved public transport once again in
order to reach the town centre and came through several bus and trolley car
trips virtually unscathed. Virtually.
The first job once we got into San Antonio was distinctly non-touristy.
Whilst on a fortnight's vacation it is normally possible to avoid most mundane

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