equivalent to infinitesimals. He defined a function f(x) to be continuous if the
absolute value of the difference /(x + a) — f(x) "decreases without limit along with
that of Q." He continues:
In other words, the function f(x) remains continuous with respect
to ÷ in a given interval, if an infinitesimal increase in the variable
within this interval always produces an infinitesimal increase in the
function itself.
Certain distinctions that we now make to clarify whether ÷ is a fixed point or
the increase is thought of as occurring at all points simultaneously are not stated
here. In particular, uniform convergence and continuity are assumed but not stated.
Cauchy defined a limit in terms of the "successive values attributed to a variable,"
approaching a fixed value and ultimately differing from it by an arbitrarily small
amount. This definition can be regarded as an informal version of what we now
state precisely with deltas and epsilons, and Cauchy is generally regarded, along
with Weierstrass, as being one of the people who finally made the foundations of
calculus secure. Yet Cauchy's language clearly presumes that infinitesimals are real.
As Laugwitz (1987, p. 272) says:
All attempts to understand Cauchy from a 'rigorous' theory of
real numbers and functions including uniformity concepts have
failed... One advantage of modern theories like the Nonstandard
Analysis of Robinson... [which includes infinitesimals] is that they
provide consistent reconstructions of Cauchy's concepts and results
in a language which sounds very much like Cauchy's.
The secure foundation of modern analysis owes much to Cauchy's treatises.
As Grabiner (1981) says, he applied ancient Greek rigor and modern algebraic
techniques to derive results from analysis. The contributions of other nineteenth-
century mathematicians to this rigor are discussed in Chapter 17.
16.1. Show that the Madhava-Jyeshtadeva formula given at the beginning of the
chapter is equivalent to
16.2. Consider an ellipse with semiaxes a and 6 and a circle of radius b, both circle
and ellipse lying between a pair of parallel lines a distance 26 apart. For every line
between the two lines and parallel to them, show that the portion inside the ellipse
will be a/6 times the portion inside the circle. Use this fact and Cavalieri's principle
to compute the area of the ellipse. This result was given by Kepler.
best remembered. Incidentally, he became a mathematician only after practicing as an engineer
for several years.
Questions and problems
or, letting ÷ — tan È.