Patna, 24
Paulisha Siddhanta, 24
pedagogical ordering, 8
pedagogy, 31
Pell's equation, 181, 190
Peloponnesian War, 275, 285
pendulum, 474
Pensees, 364
pentagon, 9, 298
pentagonal number, 168
pentakaidecagon, 298
perfect number, 168, 170, 179, 183
perfect set, 547
Perga, 305
Pergamum, 46
Period of Warring States, 27
permutation, 215, 445, 515
permutation group, 459
Persia, 57, 58
perspective, 85, 356, 358
Peshawar, 23, 404
pesu, 134, 138, 235
Petersburg, 188
Petersburg Academy of Sciences, 73
Petersburg paradox, 519
Phenomena, 45, 55, 296
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal So-
ciety, 525
philosophy, 329
Physical Geography, 86
Physics, 283, 290
physikoi, 271
Physique social, 525
ð, 233, 247, 257, 263, 449
"biblical" value, 236
irrationality, 341
legislated value, 236
transcendence, 197, 203
pie chart, 87
pigeons, 13
Piraeus, 288
Pisa, 73
place-value system, 113
planar problem, 280
plane, 271
plane trigonometry, 338
Platonicus, 276
Playfair's axiom, 85
Plimpton 322, 182
Poincare conjecture, 390
point, 284
point coordinates, 370
pointwise continuity, 391
Poisson distribution, 523
17-sided, 192, 447, 450
circumscribed, 298
inscribed, 298
polyhedron, 271, 388
Jones, 71
symmetric, 460
Porisms, 296
Portugal, 33
postulate, 32
power series, 474, 486, 489, 503
Practical Geometry, 329
Prague Scientific Society, 446
Prasum, 325
predicate, 294
predicate calculus, 552
premier (unknown), 430
prime, 460
Mersenne, 167
prime decomposition, 180
prime number, 165, 556
prime number theorem, 219
prime numbers, infinitude, 169
Princeton University, 63, 70, 100, 153, 454
Principia, 63, 66, 82, 373, 468, 469, 479
Principia mathematica, 554
Principles of Mathematics, 553
Prior Analytics, 293
prism, hexagonal, 323
probability, 67, 210, 472, 503, 532, 538-540
conditional, 524
of an event, 513
arithmetic, 406
geometric, 406
projection, 62, 385
proof by contradiction, 556
proper class, 556
proportion, 14, 30, 270, 297, 301
Eudoxan theory, 298, 324
proposition, 32
propositional calculus, 537
prosthaphaeresis, 146-147, 158
protomathematics, 3
Prussian Academy of Sciences, 188
Psammites, 120
pseudosphere, 384, 395
Ptolemais, 81
Pulkovo Observatory, 344
Putnam Examination, 107
pyramid, 42, 301, 310
frustum, volume, 248, 263, 264
Pythagorean comma, 18
Pythagorean theorem, 31, 111, 159, 237, 238,
242, 245, 248, 257, 271, 297, 310, 343,
349, 400, 418
generalizations, 298, 322, 334
Pythagorean triples, 175, 177, 312
Pythagoreans, 11, 20, 43, 45, 80, 164, 275,
287, 297, 536