The History of Mathematics: A Brief Course

(coco) #1

Frenet, Jean, 384
Friberg, Joran, 162
von Frisch, Karl, 8
von Fritz, Kurt, 201
Frobenius, Ferdinand Georg, 457
Fukagawa Hidetoshi, 52, 252
Fuson, Karen, 5, 112

Galileo, 465, 466
Galois, Evariste, 451, 455
Galton, Francis, 519, 527
Garber, David, 236
Garciadiego, Alejandro, 69
Gardner, Milo, 35
al-Gauhari, 333
Gauss, Carl Friedrich, 52, 83, 174, 192, 194,
209, 345, 346, 371, 381, 523, 537, 544
Gellius, Aulus, 271, 317
Gelon, 300
Geminus, 305, 320
Genghis Khan, 22, 28, 58
George I, 376
George IV, 376
Gerbert, 48, 144, 329
Gerbillon, Jean-Frangois, 33
Gerdes, Paulus, 237
Gergonne, Joseph, 368
Gerhardt, C. I., 476
Gerling, Christian Ludwig, 342
Germain, Sophie, 77, 83-85, 106, 379
Gibbon, Edward, 81
Gibbs, Josiah Willard, 453
Gillings, Richard, 132, 199, 237, 240, 400
Ginsburg, Jekuthiel, 115
Glashan, J.G., 68
Glaucon, 19
Glivenko, Valerii Ivanovich, 556
Goddard, William, 64
Godel, Kurt, 547, 552
Goetze, Johann Christian, 37
Goldbach, Christian, 190
Goldstine, Herman, 153, 478
Golenishchev, Vladimir Semenovich, 34
Goodwin, Edwin J., 236
Gordan, Paul, 97
Gorenstein, Daniel, 457
Gould, Carol Grant, 8
Gould, James L., 8
Gow, James, 47, 111
Grabiner, Judith, 487
Granville, Evelyn Boyd, 65
Grassmann, Hermann, 453
Grattan-Guinness, Ivor, 93, 499, 539, 544,
546, 548, 553, 554
Gray, J. J., 274, 285, 333, 338, 346, 364
Green, George, 494
Greenleaf, Benjamin, 145
Gregory VII, 59

Gregory, James, 467, 469
Grinstein, Louise, 103
Grosholz, Emily, 475
Guizal, Brahim, 335
Guldin, Habakuk Paul, 325
Guo Shuchun, 30
Hadamard, Jacques, 197, 550
Hairetdinova, N. G., 338
Halayudha, 212
Hall, G. Stanley, 102
Halley, Edmund, 305
Hamilton, William Rowan, 385, 446, 452
Hamming, R. W., 20, 21, 38
Hankel, Hermann, 506
Hardy, G. H., 20, 27, 38
Harish-Chandra, 26, 455
Harnack, Axel, 503
Harriot, Thomas, 479
Hart, David S., 63
Hausdorff, Felix, 392
Hawkins, Thomas, 454
Hayashi Takao, 175
ibn al-Haytham, 179, 191, 333, 341, 350, 479
He Chengtian, 250
Heath, T. L., 46, 50, 304, 320, 411
Hector, 283
Heiberg, Johann Ludwig, 302
Heine, Eduard, 391
de Heinzelin de Braucourt, Jean, 6
Helicon, 288
Henri IV, 62, 433, 517
Henrion, Claudia, 104
Henry, Alan S., 422
Hensel, Kurt, 558
Heracleides, 300, 305
Heraclitus, 44
Herbart, Johann Friedrich, 367, 381
Hermes, Johann, 189, 450
Hermite, Charles, 204, 450
Herodotus, 234, 270
Heron, 303, 325, 409
Herschel, John Frederick, 124
Hersh, Reuben, 352, 536
Heytesbury, William, 331
Hideyoshi, 51
Hieron II, 299, 300
Hubert, David, 77, 103, 195, 348, 451, 548,
Hill, George William, 67
Hipparchus, 41, 325
Hippasus, 201, 271
Hippias, 275, 280, 310
Hippocrates, 275, 276, 312
Hobson, E. W., 504
Hogendijk, Jan, 180, 250, 426
Homann, Frederick, 63, 329
Homer, 283
Horner, William, 415
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