The John Adair Handbook of Management and Leadership

(Tuis.) #1
Individual Tact sensitive in dealing with people
Compassion sympathetic awareness and help
Consistency people know where they stand

Honesty wins individual respect

Leaders need to exhibit the following attributes /qualities/
characteristics in exercising the functions:
1 Group influence: to generate a group willingness to achieve
a desired goal/objective
2 Command: to decide upon a course of action as
quickly as the situation demands and to
carry it through with a firmness and
strength of purpose
3 Coolness: to remain cool or unperturbed under
testing or trying conditions
4 Judgement: ability to arrange available resources and
information in a systematic and
commonsense way to produce effective
5 Application/
responsibility: to demonstrate sustained effort
combined with a degree of dependability
in order to complete a task or achieve an

fair-dealing encourages

recognises qualities/abilities
and gives credit

128 The John Adair Handbook of Management and Leadership

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