The John Adair Handbook of Management and Leadership

(Tuis.) #1
v) The overlapping needs of Task, Team and Individual need to be

vi) Team processes

  • to see what is really going on

  • improved decision-making rests on seeing beneath the surface
    the pressures that influence the team

  • calmness creates interdependence within the team and with
    the leader

  • avoid team flight into abstractions

  • aim for consensus (only where possible)

  • assess team view of authority to see how processes/decisions
    are being affected by it.

vii) Teams within teams

  • watch out for hostility, communication failure and mistrust as
    signs of team fragmentation

  • develop teamwork between teams as well as within them

  • winning can be as destructive to teams as losing, if not worse,
    unless both outcomes are handled well

  • be aware of teams within teams and act accordingly to regain
    cohesiveness or sub-divide.

152 The John Adair Handbook of Management and Leadership

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