income inequality) which proxies labor market policies. As for
redistributive policies, the following variables were used in
regression analysis: the ratio of direct to indirect taxes (expected ex-
ante to reduce income inequality); the public expenditure on social
security as a share of GDP (expected to reduce mildly inequality,
especially where the share of social insurance is dominant); and the
ratio of pension coverage in the top versus the bottom quintile
(expected ex-ante to raise inequality). Finally, (vi) a LOC political
dummy variable equal to 1 when a country is ruled by a centre-
right or centrist regime, expected ex-ante to reduce inequality
(beyond the impact manifested via the adoption of progressive
social policies). Table 11 presents the matrix of correlation
coefficients between the variables to be included in regression
Table 11. Matrix of bilateral correlation coefficients among variables used in
regression analysis
Source: authors’ elaboration