(Barry) #1
Dimensions of basic needs: Indicators and thresholds (adopted
from University of Bristol methodology)

Deprivation Severe Deprivation

Shelter Child living in a dwelling of 4 or
more people per room or lives in a
house with no flooring or in a
house with natural roofing

Child living in a dwelling of 5 or
more people per room or lives in a
house with no flooring

Sanitation Child that only has access to
unimproved sanitation (public
latrine, open pit latrine, service or
bucket latrine)

Child with no available toilet facility

Water Child using unimproved sources of
water (unprotected well,
unprotected spring, rivers or pond,
vendor-provided water, bottled
water, tanker truck water) or if
water source is more than 30mn
away (round trip)

Child using surface water
(excluding spring water) or if water
source is more than 30mn away
(round trip)

Information Child with no access to broadcast
media (radio or TV)

Children with no access to
information sources: radio, TV,
newspaper, phone

Nutrition A child -2 standard deviation from
the international reference
population for stunting or wasting
or underweight

A child -3 standard deviation from
the international reference
population for stunting or wasting
or underweight

Education Child aged 7-17 who is not
currently in school and who has
not completed primary education

Child aged 7-17 who is not
currently in school and who has
never been to school

Health Child that is not fully immunised
by the age of 2, or a child is under
2 years of age and has not
received any immunisation, or
child had a recent serious illness
and was not treated (for diarrhoea
or acute respiratory infection)

Child who has not received any
immunisation or if a child had a
recent serious illness and was not
treated (for diarrhoea or acute
respiratory infection)
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