(Barry) #1

  • Moving Out of Poverty Series
    Narayan, D. (2009). Moving Out of Poverty: The Promise of Empowerment and Democracy
    in India. Palgrave Macmillan.
    Narayan, D. and P. Petesch (2007). Moving Out of Poverty: Cross-disciplinary
    Perspectives on Mobility. Palgrave Macmillan.
    Narayan, D., and P. Petesch (2009). Moving Out of Poverty: Rising from the Ashes of
    Conflict. Palgrave Macmillan.
    Narayan, D., and P. Petesch. (2005). “Moving out of Poverty: Understanding
    Freedom, Democracy and Growth from the Bottom-Up.” Methodology
    Guide. World Bank.
    Narayan, D., Pritchett, L. and S. Kapoor (2009). Moving Out of Poverty: Success from
    the Bottom Up. Palgrave Macmillan.

  • Voices of the Poor Series
    Narayan, D. and P. Petesch (2002). Voices of the Poor: From Many Lands. New York:
    Published for the World Bank, Oxford University Press.
    Narayan, D., Patel,R., Schafft, K., Rademacher, A. and S. Koch-Schulte (2000).
    Voices of the Poor: Can Anyone Hear Us? New York: Published for the World
    Bank, Oxford University Press.
    Narayan, D., Chambers, R., Shah, M.K., and P. Petesch (2000). Voices of the Poor:
    Crying Out for Change. New York: Published for the World Bank, Oxford
    University Press.

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