Concepts of Programming Languages

(Sean Pound) #1

378 Chapter 8 Statement-Level Control Structures

Now, consider this same process coded in a traditional programming language

if (x >= y)
max = x;
max = y;

This could also be coded as follows:

if (x > y)
max = x;
max = y;

There is no practical difference between these two statements. The first assigns
x to max when x and y are equal; the second assigns y to max in the same
circumstance. This choice between the two statements complicates the formal
analysis of the code and the correctness proof of it. This is one of the reasons
why guarded commands were developed by Dijkstra.
The loop structure proposed by Dijkstra has the form

do <Boolean expression> -> <statement>
[] <Boolean expression> -> <statement>
[] <Boolean expression> -> <statement>

The semantics of this statement is that all Boolean expressions are evaluated
on each iteration. If more than one is true, one of the associated statements
is nondeterministically (perhaps randomly) chosen for execution, after which
the expressions are again evaluated. When all expressions are simultaneously
false, the loop terminates.
Consider the following problem: Given four integer variables, q1, q2, q3,
and q4, rearrange the values of the four so that q1 ≤ q2 ≤ q3 ≤ q4. Without
guarded commands, one straightforward solution is to put the four values into
an array, sort the array, and then assign the values from the array back into
the scalar variables q1, q2, q3, and q4. While this solution is not difficult, it
requires a good deal of code, especially if the sort process must be included.
Now, consider the following code, which uses guarded commands to solve
the same problem but in a more concise and elegant way.^7

do q1 > q2 -> temp := q1; q1 := q2; q2 := temp;
[] q2 > q3 -> temp := q2; q2 := q3; q3 := temp;

  1. This code appears in a slightly different form in Dijkstra (1975).

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