Concepts of Programming Languages

(Sean Pound) #1
Review Questions 381

  1. What is the definition of block?

  2. What is/are the design issue(s) for all selection and iteration control

  3. What are the design issues for selection structures?

  4. What is unusual about Python’s design of compound statements?

  5. Under what circumstances must an F# selector have an else clause?

  6. What are the common solutions to the nesting problem for two-way

  7. What are the design issues for multiple-selection statements?

  8. Between what two language characteristics is a trade-off made when
    deciding whether more than one selectable segment is executed in one
    execution of a multiple selection statement?

  9. What is unusual about C’s multiple-selection statement?

  10. On what previous language was C’s switch statement based?

  11. Explain how C#’s switch statement is safer than that of C.

  12. What are the design issues for all iterative control statements?

  13. What are the design issues for counter-controlled loop statements?

  14. What is a pretest loop statement? What is a posttest loop statement?

  15. What is the difference between the for statement of C++ and that of Java?

  16. In what way is C’s for statement more flexible than that of many other

  17. What does the range function in Python do?

  18. What contemporary languages do not include a goto?

  19. What are the design issues for logically controlled loop statements?

  20. What is the main reason user-located loop control statements were

  21. What are the design issues for user-located loop control mechanisms?

  22. What advantage does Java’s break statement have over C’s break

  23. What are the differences between the break statement of C++ and that
    of Java?

  24. What is a user-defined iteration control?

  25. What Scheme function implements a multiple selection statement?

  26. How does a functional language implement repetition?

  27. How are iterators implemented in Ruby?

  28. What language predefines iterators that can be explicitly called to iterate
    over its predefined data structures?

  29. What common programming language borrows part of its design from
    Dijkstra’s guarded commands?

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