Concepts of Programming Languages

(Sean Pound) #1

414 Chapter 9 Subprograms

Contemporary software-engineering principles dictate that access by sub-
program code to data outside the subprogram should be minimized. With this
goal in mind, in-mode parameters should be used whenever no data are to be
returned through parameters to the caller. Out-mode parameters should be
used when no data are transferred to the called subprogram but the subprogram
must transmit data back to the caller. Finally, inout-mode parameters should
be used only when data must move in both directions between the caller and
the called subprogram.
There is a practical consideration that is in conflict with this principle. Some-
times it is justifiable to pass access paths for one-way parameter transmission.
For example, when a large array is to be passed to a subprogram that does not
modify it, a one-way method may be preferred. However, pass-by-value would
require that the entire array be moved to a local storage area of the subprogram.
This would be costly in both time and space. Because of this, large arrays are
often passed by reference. This is precisely the reason why the Ada 83 defini-
tion allowed implementors to choose between the two methods for structured
parameters. C++ constant reference parameters offer another solution. Another
alternative approach would be to allow the user to choose between the methods.
The choice of a parameter-passing method for functions is related to another
design issue: functional side effects. This issue is discussed in Section 9.10.

9.5.8 Examples of Parameter Passing

Consider the following C function:

void swap1(int a, int b) {
int temp = a;
a = b;
b = temp;

Suppose this function is called with

swap1(c, d);

Recall that C uses pass-by-value. The actions of swap1 can be described by
the following pseudocode:

a = c — Move first parameter value in
b = d — Move second parameter value in
temp = a
a = b
b = temp

Although a ends up with d’s value and b ends up with c’s value, the values of c
and d are unchanged because nothing is transmitted back to the caller.
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