Concepts of Programming Languages

(Sean Pound) #1

494 Chapter 11 Abstract Data Types and Encapsulation Constructs

// stack.m - interface and implementation of a simple stack

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

// Interface section

@interface Stack: NSObject {
int stackArray [100];
int stackPtr;
int maxLen;
int topSub;
-(void) push: (int) number;
-(void) pop;
-(int) top;
-(int) empty;

// Implementation section

@implementation Stack
-(Stack *) initWith {
maxLen = 100;
topSub = -1;
stackPtr = stackArray;
return self;

-(void) push: (int) number {
if (topSub == maxLen)
NSLog(@"Error in push--stack is full");
stackPtr[++topSub] = number;

-(void) pop {
if (topSub == -1)
NSLog(@"Error in pop--stack is empty");

-(int) top {
if (topSub >= 0)
return stackPtr[topSub]);
NSLog(@"Error in top--stack is empty");
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