
(Nora) #1


Artichoke has low glycemic index and raises the blood sugar level at a
slower pace leaving you less hungry and with stabilized energy levels. The
high !ber content in the artichoke improves the satiety value of the food
and leaves you full for a longer time.

The lunch and dinner menu are based on low glycemic, moderate to high
!ber foods that keep the energy levels high while on detox plan as well as
keep at hunger at bay.

points to remember on a detox plan

  • Vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, artichoke, brussel sprouts, swiss
    chard, kale, collard greens, garlic, beets, onion can be used in plenty.

  • Fruits such as apples, banana, most types of berries can feature in detox

  • Buy organic produce as much as possible, if organic seems expensive
    buy only local produce from farmer's market that uses minimal
    pesticide / fertilizers.

  • Yogurt can be home-made one or plain store-bought ones. Choose
    unsweetened, plain Greek yogurt over the regular ones as they relatively
    have less fat and more protein.

  • Consume plenty of water and beverages such as coconut water, coconut
    milk, mineral water and herbal teas.

  • Avoid use of canned/ tinned and preservative containing foods.

  • Always use a paper bag lunch and avoid use of plastic containers
    whenever possible.

Detoxification Process

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