Smith's Bible Dictionary

(Frankie) #1

of the promised land. The second is mentioned, (2 Samuel 8:8) in the same connection. The
well-known city Beirut (Berytus) naturally suggests itself as identical with one at least of the names;
but in each instance the circumstances of the case seem to require a position farther east. They were
probably in the vicinity of the springs near the present Hasbeya.
Berothite, The
(1 Chronicles 11:39) [Beeroth Of The Children Of Jaakan]
(tarshish) occurs in (Exodus 28:20) It is generally supposed that the tarshish derives its name
from the place so called, in Spain. Beryl is a mineral of great hardness, and, when transparent, of
much beauty. By tarshish the modern yellow topaz is probably intended, while in (Revelation 21:20)
a different stone is perhaps referred to, probably the mineral now called beryl, which is identical
with the emerald except in color, being a light green or bluish-green.
(sword). “Children of Besai” were among the Nethinim who returned to Judea with Zerubbabel.
(Ezra 2:49; Nehemiah 7:52)
(n the secret of the Lord) father of one of the repairers of the wall of Jerusalem. (Nehemiah 3:6)
a brush or broom of twigs for sweeping (Isaiah 14:23)
Besor, The Brook
(cool), a torrent-bed or wady in the extreme south of Judah. (1 Samuel 30:9,10,21)
(confidence), a city belonging to Hadadezer king of Zobah, mentioned with Berothai. (2 Samuel
8:8) In the parallel account, (1 Chronicles 18:8) the name is called Tibhath.
(height), one of the cities on the border of the tribe of Asher. (Joshua 19:25)
the most general word for a house or habitation. It has the special meaning of a temple or house
of worship Beth is more frequently employed in compound names of places than any other word.
(house of the ford), a place beyond Jordan, in which according to the Received Text of the New
Testament, John was baptizing. (John 1:28) If this reading be correct, Bethabara is identical with
Beth-barah (fords of Abarah) the ancient ford of Jordan on the road to Gilead; or, which seems
more likely, with Beth-nimrah, on the east of the river, nearly opposite Jericho. The Revised Version
reads Bethany, which see below.
(house of echo or reply), one of the “fenced cities” of Naphtali, named with Beth-shemesh,
(Joshua 19:38) from neither of them were the Canaanites expelled. (Judges 1:33)).
(house of echo), a town in the mountainous district of Judah, named with Halhul, Beth-zur and
others in (Joshua 15:58) only.

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