Smith's Bible Dictionary

(Frankie) #1

The term so rendered in (Jeremiah 5:27) is more properly a trap in which decoy birds were
placed. In (Revelation 18:2) the (Greek term means a prison.
Caiaphas, Or Caiaphas
(depression), in full Joseph CAIAPHAS, high priest of the Jews under Tiberius. (Matthew
26:3,57; John 11:49; 18:13,14,24,28; Acts 4:6) The procurator Valerius Gratus appointed him to
the dignity, He was son-in-law of Annas. [Annas]
one of the cities in the low country of Judah, named with Zanoah and Gibeah. (Joshua 15:57)
(possession). Gen. 4. He was the eldest son of Adam and Eve; he followed the business of
agriculture. In a fit of jealousy, roused by the rejection of his own sacrifice and the acceptance of
Abel’s, he committed the crime of murder, for which he was expelled from Eden, and led the life
of an exile. He settled in the land of Nod, and built a city, which he named after his son Enoch. His
descendants are enumerated together with the inventions for which they were remarkable. (B.C.
•Son of Enos, aged 70 years when he begat Mahalaleel his son. He lived 840 years afterwards, and
died aged 910. (Genesis 6:9-14)
•Son of Arphaxad, and father of Sala, according to (Luke 3:36,37) and usually called the second
Cainan. The is nowhere named in the Hebrew MSS. It seems certain that his name was introduced
into the genealogies of the Greek Old Testament in order to bring them into harmony with the
genealogy of Christ in St. Luke’s Gospel.
(completion, old age), one of the most ancient cities of Assyria. (Genesis 10:11) The site of
Calah is probably market by the Nimrud ruins. If this be regarded as ascertained, Calah must be
considered to have been at one time (about B.C. 930-720) the capital of the empire.
(sustenance), a man of Judah, son or descendant of Zerah. (1 Chronicles 2:6) Probably identical
with Chalcol.
a vessel for boiling flesh, for either ceremonial or domestic use. (1 Samuel 2:14; 2 Chronicles
35:13; Job 41:20; Micah 3:3)
•According to (1 Chronicles 2:9,18,19,42,50) the son of Hezron the son of Pharez the son of Judah,
and the father of Hur, and consequently grandfather of Caleb the spy. (B.C. about 1600.)
•Son of Jephunneh, one of the twelve spies sent by Moses to Canaan. (Numbers 13:6) (B.C. 1490.)
He and Oshea or Joshua the son of Nun were the only two of the whole number who encouraged
the people to enter in boldly to the land and take possession of it. Fortyfive years afterwards Caleb
came to Joshua and claimed possession of the land of the Anakim, Kirjath-arba or Hebron, and
the neighboring hill country. Josh 14. This was immediately granted to him, and the following
chapter relates how he took possession of Hebron, driving out the three sons of Anak; and how

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