Smith's Bible Dictionary

(Frankie) #1

(earthquake), a hill of Ephraim, where Joshua was buried. The brooks or valley of Gaash, ( 2
Samuel 23:30; 1 Chronicles 11:32) were probably at the foot of the hill.
The same name as Geba, which see.
(Esther 12:1) [Bigthan, Or Bigthana]
(tax gatherer), apparently the head of an important family of Benjamin resident at Jerusalem.
(Nehemiah 11:8) (B.C. before 536.)
(elevated; a platform) the Hebrew or Chaldee appellation of a place, also called “Pavement,”
where the judgment-seat or bema was planted, from his place on which Pilate delivered our Lord
to death. (John 19:13) It was a tessellated platform outside the praetorium, on the western hill of
Jerusalem, for Pilate brought Jesus forth from thence to it.
(man of God), an angel sent by God to announce to Zacharias the birth of John the Baptist, and
to Mary the birth of Christ. He was also sent to Daniel to explain his visions. (Daniel 8:16; 9:21)
(a troop).
•Jacob’s seventh son, the first-born of Zilpah, Leah’s maid, and whole-brother to Asher. (Genesis
30:11-13; 46:16,18) (B.C. 1753-1740.)
•“The seer,” or “the king’s seer,” i.e. David’s (1 Chronicles 29:29; 2 Chronicles 29:25) was a
“prophet” who appears to have joined David when in the old. (1 Samuel 22:5) (B.C. 1061.) He
reappears in connection with the punishment inflicted for the numbering of the people. (2 Samuel
24:11-19; 1 Chronicles 21:9-19) He wrote a book of the Acts of David, (1 Chronicles 29:29) and
also assisted in the arrangements for the musical service of the “house of God.” (2 Chronicles
Gad, The Tribe Of
The country allotted to the tribe of Gad appears, speaking roughly, to have lain chiefly about
the centre of the land east of Jordan. The sought of that district—from the Arnon (Wady Mojeb),
about halfway down the Dead Sea, to Heshbon, nearly due east of Jerusalem—was occupied by
Reuben, and at or about Heshbon the possessions of Gad commenced. They embraced half Gilead,
(3:12) or half the land of the children of Ammon, (Joshua 13:25) probably the mountainous district
which is intersected by the torrent Jabbok, including, as its most northern town, the ancient sanctuary
of Mahanaim. On the east the furthest landmark given is “Aroer that is before Rabbah,” the present
Amman. (Joshua 13:25) West was the Jordan. ver. (Joshua 13:27) The character of the tribe is
throughout strongly marked—fierce and warlike.
a strong city situated near the river Hieromax, six miles southeast of the Sea of Galilee, over
against Scythopolis and Tiberias, and 16 Roman miles distant from each of those places. Josephus
calls it the capital of Peraea. The ruins of this city, now called Um Keis, are about two miles in
circumference. The most interesting remains of Gadara are its tombs, which dot the cliffs for a
considerable distance around the city. Godet says there is still a population of 200 souls in these

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