Smith's Bible Dictionary

(Frankie) #1

the same political privileges with the Greeks. The chief interest of Antioch, however, is connected
with the progress of Christianity among the heathen, Here the first Gentile church was founded,
(Acts 11:20,21) here the disciples of Jesus Christ were first called Christians (Acts 11:26) It was
from Antioch that St. Paul started on his three missionary journeys.
•IN Pisidia, (Acts 13:14; 14:19,21; 2 Timothy 3:11) on the borders of Phrygia, corresponds to
Yalobatch, which is distant from Aksher six hours over the mountains. This city, like the Syrian
Antioch, was founded by Seleucus Nicator. Under the Romans it became a colonia, and was also
called Caesarea.
(an opponent), the name of a number of kings of Syria who lived during the interval between
the Old and New Testaments, and had frequent connection with the Jews during that period. They
are referred to in the Apocrypha especially in the books of the Maccabees.
(like the father), martyr at Pergamos, (Revelation 2:13) and according to tradition the bishop
of that place. (A.D. before 100.)
Antipatris, Or Antipatris
(for his father), a town to which the soldiers conveyed St. Paul by night on their march. (Acts
23:31) Its ancient name was Capharsaba; and Herod, when he rebuilt the city, changed it to
Antipatris, in honor of his father, Antipater. The village Kefr-Sabba still retains the ancient name
of Antipatris.
(from Marc Antony) (a square stone fortress or castle adjoining the northwest corner of the
temple area at Jerusalem. There was a tower at each corner. It was rebuilt by Herod the Great, and
named by him from Marc Antony. From the stairs of this castle Paul addressed the multitude who
had assaulted him (Acts 21:31-40)—ED.)
(answers of Jehovah), a Benjamite, one of the sons of Jeroham. (1 Chronicles 8:24)
a dweller at Anathoth. (1 Chronicles 11:28; 12:3) [Anathoth]
(confederate), son of Coz and descendant of Judah, through Ashur the father of Tekoa ( 1
Chronicles 4:8)
(called), a Christian saluted by St. Paul in (Romans 16:10) Tradition makes him bishop of
Smyrna or Heraclea. (A.D. 55.)
(Heb. kophim) are mentioned in (1 Kings 10:22) and 2Chr 9:21 There can be little doubt that
the apes were brought from the same country which supplied ivory and peacocks, both of which
are common in Ceylon; and Sir E. Tennent has drawn attention to the fact that the Tamil names for
apes, ivory and peacocks are identical with the Hebrew.
Apharsathchites, Apharsites, Apharsacites

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