love your partner but hate the way she sulks after an argue-
ment, accept her as she is and recognize that the sulking is the
bit that reminds you how wonderful everything else is. If your
neighbor is friendly and keeps an eye on your property when
you’re out and signs for your deliveries and babysits the kids,
you just have to live with the fact that she talks too much; and
stop moaning about it. And when you stop moaning, you’ll
probably find you mind it much less.
I know parents who move their child from school to school
until they find one that’s perfect in every way. They never do
find that, of course, but eventually they have to stop because
the child has grown up. I’m not saying you should never move
your child (if you have the option), but stop looking for per-
fection because you won’t find it. Life isn’t perfect.
The best things in life come with chewy, dried tomatoes and
olives. There’s no point moaning. Just pick them off, or swal-
low them down as fast as you can, and then sink your teeth
into what’s left and relish every bite.