MySQL for the Internet of Things

(Steven Felgate) #1

ChApTEr 3 ■ how IoT DATA Is sTorED

Notice the criteria have been moved to the database server. That is, the code doesn’t need to read,
interpret, and test the values for the column. Rather, that logic is executed on the database server. In fact,
the database server is optimized to execute such a query in the most efficient way possible—something that
would require considerable work on a file-based solution (but not unheard of ). In case you are curious, the
code to execute and retrieve the rows is as follows:

cur.execute("SELECT * FROM db1.table1 WHERE col1 > 5")
rows = cur.fetchall()
for row in rows:
print ">", row

While this is a trivial example, the point is still valid. Specifically, the database server is a powerful
searching tool. Not only does this allow you to simplify your code, it allows much greater expressiveness
when constructing queries.
For example, you can construct queries that perform complex mathematical comparisons, text
comparisons (even wildcard matching), and date comparison. For instance, you can use date operations to
select rows older than N days from time of execution or rows recorded during a specific year, month, day,
or hour. Clearly, this is far more powerful than code you write yourself!
Another benefit of using a database server is you can group your data in a logical manner. A database
server permits you to create any number of databases for storing data. Typically, you want to create a
separate database for each of your IOT solutions. This makes working with the data at a logical level easier so
that data for one solution isn’t intermixed with data from another. Thus, a single database server can support
many IOT solutions.


Using a database server in your solution requires using some different techniques than other storage
solutions. You have already seen that file-based systems are susceptible to file layout changes (if the file
layout changes, so too must the code); the same is not true for databases.
For example, if you need to add a column to the table, you don’t have to rewrite code to read the
data. Indeed, many changes can be made to the database without affecting the code. While some changes
may affect the SQL statements, you have a great deal of freedom in how the data is stored than file-based
Thus, the biggest change in development is how you work with the database server versus the code
itself. That is, code development can proceed somewhat independently of the database development. You
can develop the database, its components, and the SQL statements separately from the code. Indeed, you
can create a working and tested database component before you develop any of the other nodes!
This may seem like it is more work than the code for file-based solutions, but it really isn’t for two
reasons. First, you can test your SQL statements in isolation with test data. This means you do not need to
have your entire IOT solution up and running, which makes it easier to develop. Second, and related, is
you can execute your SQL statements repeatedly to ensure you get the correct data, which makes it easier
to separate the data from the code and thereby makes the solution easier to maintain. That is, if something
changes, you can simply change the SQL statements rather than rewrite the code.
But this does not mean you do not need to spend time designing and testing the database design. On
the contrary, to reap these benefits, your database should be designed well. Database design can be complex
if the data itself or your use of the data is complex. Fortunately, for most IOT solutions, this isn’t a problem.
Finally, working with a database server allows you to quickly set up test data, manipulate it, and refresh
it. Again, this is possible with other storage solutions, but it is so much easier with database servers. Thus,
the technique for setting up test data permits you to ensure your queries return precisely what you expect.
This is because you know the input (the sample data) and can easily and manually determine what the
results should be.

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