MySQL for the Internet of Things

(Steven Felgate) #1
Chapter 6 ■ Building low-Cost MysQl data nodes

■Tip if you copy a library to your Libraries folder while the arduino application is running, you must restart

it to detect the new library.

Now that you have the Connector/Arduino library installed, you are ready to start writing database-
enabled sketches! Before you jump into to the library source code, let’s first examine some of the limitations
of using the library.

WaIt! I haVe VerSION 1.0. CaN’t I USe that?

if you have already discovered the Connector/arduino library and have been using version 1.0.4 or older,
you will need to upgrade to the newer version to use the examples in this book. this is because a lot of
changes were made in the 1.1 version, making it incompatible with the older versions.

But do not despair, because the old version remains in launchpad and will be left there for some time.
Best of all, the new version does not cause conflicts with any of your existing sketches. that is, your
existing sketches will not be affected by installing the new library.

however, if you want to use the newest version in your existing sketches, you will have to change a few
things. please see the “Changes from previous Versions” in the reference manual located in the extras
folder of the library source code.

Figure 6-13. Arduino Preferences dialog

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