MySQL for the Internet of Things

(Steven Felgate) #1
Chapter 6 ■ Building low-Cost MysQl data nodes

$ sudo pip3 install mysql-connector-python --allow-external mysql-connector-python
Downloading/unpacking mysql-connector-python
mysql-connector-python an externally hosted file and may be unreliable
Downloading (277kB): 277kB downloaded
Running (path:/tmp/pip-build-mm9szi9x/mysql-connector-python/ egg_info
for package mysql-connector-python

Installing collected packages: mysql-connector-python
Running install for mysql-connector-python

Successfully installed mysql-connector-python
Cleaning up...

Notice I used the Python package manager (from PyPi) to get and install the connector. This installs an
older version of the connector, but it is fully functional and will meet your IOT solution needs.

Checking the Installation

Once Connector/Python is installed, you can verify it is working with the following short example. Begin
by entering the command python. This will open an interactive prompt that permits you to enter one line
of Python code at a time and execute it; it’s a Python command-line interpreter and useful in testing small
snippets of code. Just enter the following lines as shown in the example:

$ python
Python 2.7.6 (default, Mar 4 2014, 16:53:21)
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 5.0 (clang-500.2.79)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

import mysql.connector
print mysql.connector.version

What you should see is the version of Connector/Python printed. If you see any errors about not finding
the connector, be sure to check your installation to ensure it worked. Once you can successfully access
Connector/Python, you’re ready to move on to some examples.

■Tip if you have multiple versions of python installed and installed Connector/python under a different

python version than the default, use the version-specific python executable. For example, if you installed

Connector/python under python3 but python2.7 is the default, use the command python3 to start the

interpreter. otherwise, you may see errors when doing the import.

Using Connector/Python

Let’s start with a simple example where we connect to the MySQL server and get a list of databases. In this
case, we start by importing the Connector/Python connector class and then call the connect() method to
connect to the server. To keep things tidy, we use a dictionary to store the connection information. Be sure
your MySQL server is running and you change the following example to match your setup. For example,
provide the correct password and hostname for the server.

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