MySQL for the Internet of Things

(Steven Felgate) #1
ChapTEr 8 ■ DEmonsTraTion of high availabiliTy TEChniquEs

■Tip if you want to power the arduino boards with a single power supply, you can wire the 5v pin on one

arduino to the vin pin on the other. however, this will not protect you against power supply issues, so i do not

recommend this for production use.

Notice the figure shows a sensor added. This is for illustration purposes; you do not need it to execute
the example code.

StaNDarD heaDerS aND WIrING

by now you should be wondering how to get those wires to stay in the pin headers. The standard
headers for arduino boards are great for prototyping but not so much for installation of final solutions.
fortunately, you can get arduino boards without the headers, and indeed some clone arduino boards
are designed with special layouts, making them easy to use with breadboards or to hardwire circuits.
alternatively, you can use a prototype shield to build your circuit. The following figures depict two
alternative arduino boards and a prototyping shield that you can use in permanent solutions such as
soldering wires to the board.
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