ABA (abscisic acid) 1
Abelson, Philip H. 174
ABO blood groups 1, 159
abscisic acid (ABA) 1
absolute configuration 1
absolute zero 1,152, 153
absorption spectrum 1,
102–103, 147, 166
abstraction 2
abyssal zone 2
abzyme 2
accelerator, linear 166
acceptor number 2
accessory pigment 2
acclimatization 2
acetic acid 167
acetone 2, 57
acetylcholine (ACh) 2,69,
192, 203
acetyl CoA 2, 157
ACh (acetylcholine) 2
achiral 2
acid 2 – 3,34, 58, 76, 77, 138
and color change 123
fatty 107, 167
hard 124
lactic 129, 178
monoprotic 187
acid anhydride 3
acidic salt 3
acidity 3
gas-phase 115
acidity constant 3
acidity function 3
acid-labile sulfide 3
acid rain 4
acotinase 4
actinides 4
actin tracks 86
action potential 4, 165
activated complex 4
activation energy. Seeenergy
of activation
active center 4
active metal 4
active site 27
active transport 4
activity series 4
actual yield 4
acyl group 4
addend. Seeaddition reaction
Addicott, Frederick 1
addition 4
addition reaction 5
additivity principle 5
address-message concept 5
adduct 5,19, 21, 64, 163,
adenine 117
adenosine 5’-triphosphate
(ATP) 4, 5
adenyl cyclase 5
adhesive forces 5, 39
adipose tissue 107
adrenal gland 153
adrenocorticotropic hormone
adrenodoxin 5
Adrian, Edgar Douglas 5 – 6
adsorbed films 160
adsorption 6
Adventures in Physiology
(Dale) 69
aerobe 6, 199
aerobic 6,23, 72
A-factor. Seeenergy of
affinity 6, 88
agglutinins 1
agonist 6, 88
agostic 6
AIDS (acquired
syndrome) 6 – 7, 119
air pollution 50, 207, 209
Albert Einstein Medal Award
albumin 7
alcohol 7,8, 82
in thermometers 106
alcoholism 88
aldehydes 7, 7
aldol condensation 56
algae 66, 75, 123
alkali metals 7
alkaline battery 8
alkaline earth metals 8
alkane 67
alkenes 8, 130
alkylbenzene 8
alkyl group 8
alkynes 8
Allen, Edgar 83
allergies 129
allosteric binding sites 8
allosteric effector 8
allosteric enzyme 8
allosteric regulation 8
allosteric site 8
allotrope 8, 113
alloy 9
allozyme 9
allylic substitution reaction 9
alpha (α) addition 9
alpha (α)band 67
alpha (α) effect 9
alpha (α) elimination 9
alpha (α) helix 9
alpha (α) particle 9, 151
alpha (α) rays 122, 144, 151
alternant 9, 10
aluminum 25, 65, 133, 178
in Hall process 123
alums 10
ambident 10, 10
ambidentate 10
amicyanin 10
amide 10
amine 10, 10 – 11
amine complex 11
Note: Page numbers in boldfaceindicate main entries; italicpage numbers indicate photographs and illustrations.