biochemistry 44, 83–84, 118,
131, 153
bioconjugate 27
bioconversion 28
biodegradability 28
biodiversity 28
bioenergetics 28
biogas 76
Biogen 118
biogeochemical cycles 28
biogeography 28
bioisostere 28
bioleaching 28
biological half-life 28
biological magnification 28
biological oxygen demand
(BOD) 28
bioluminescence 28
biomass 29, 41
biomembrane 29
biomimetic 29
biomineralization 29
biopolymers 29
bioprecursor prodrug 29
biosensor 29
biosphere 28, 29
biotechnology 29
biotic 29
biotransformation 29
biradical 29, 29 – 30
Birkeland, Kristian 18
bismuth citrate 73
Bjerrum ion pair 144
black smoker 30
Blanchard, Duncan 160
bleomycin (BLM) 30
BLM (bleomycin) 30
blood 30
ABO groups 1, 159
and AIDS 7
and anemia 13
concanavalin A in 56
hemoglobin in 126
and ischemia 145
and leeches 129
macrophages in 171
pressure 129
transfusions 159
type 159–160
blood cells 1, 2
blotting 30
blue copper protein 30
blue-green algae 66
blue shift. Seehypsochromic
BOD (biological oxygen
demand) 28
bod-centered unit cell 30, 30
Bodenstein approximation
Seesteady state
Bohr, Niels 31
Bohr model 31
boiling point 31, 31
boiling-point elevation 31
Boltzmann, Ludwig 18
Boltzmann constant 30, 118
Boltzmann distribution 31
bomb calorimeter 31
bond(s) 31.See alsospecific
in chelation 46
in cis transisomerism
in crowns 62
dissociation energy in
31, 31
and ene reactions 97
force constant in 111
and Gibbs energy
diagram 117–118
and hapto (η) symbol
hydrogen 133, 133
metallic 176–177
bond dissociation. See
heterolysis; homolysis
bond-dissociation energy 31
bond energy 31–32
bonding orbital 32
bonding pair 32
bond migration. See
bond number 32
bond order 32
bone 53
bone imaging 32
borderline mechanism 32
Born-Haber cycle 32
boron 59, 151, 177
boron hydrides 32
Bose-Einstein condensate
173, 173
boundary layer 188
Bovet, Daniel 32–33
Boyle’s law 33, 33
Bragg, Lawrence 33
Bragg equation 33
brain imaging 33
bread 108
breathing 62
Bredt’s rule 33, 33
breeder reactor 33
bremsstrahlung 34
bridged carbocation 34, 34
bridging ligand 34, 52
Bronsted acid 16, 21, 34,
116, 163
Bronsted base 16, 21, 34,
Bronsted relation 34–35
Brownian movement 35
bubble chamber 52
buckminterfullerene 35,35,
buckyball. See
buckytube 191
buffer 11, 35
buffer capacity 35
bulk flow 35
Bunnett-Olsen equations 35,
Bunsen burner 79
buret 35
Bush, George H. W. 38
butene 200
B 12 vitamin 62
cadmium 59, 172
caffeine 109
cage 37
cage compound 37
calcium carbonate 29, 166,
calculus 110
calmodulin 37, 88
calorie 37, 154
calorimeter 37
calpain 37
Calvin, Melvin 37–38, 38
Calvin cycle 38–39
Cameron, Ewan 208
and carcinogens 41
treatment of 50, 52,
Cancer and Vitamin C
(Pauling) 208
Cannizaro Prize 160
cannonical form. See
contributing structure
capillary 39
capillary action 39
captodative effect 39
captor substituent 39
car 162
car accident 81
carbanion 39
carbene 29,39, 39
carbenium center 39
carbenium ion 39, 173
carbenoid 39
carbocation 39, 194
carbohydrate 39–40
and fermentation
carbonates 40
carbon cycle 40
carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) 40
in dry ice 85
and global warming
18, 97
molecular model of
carbon fixation 40
carbon-14 dating 40, 164
carbonic acid 3, 77
carbonic anyhydrase 40
carbonium ion 40–41
carbon monoxide (CO) 41
carbon monoxide
dehydrogenases 41
carbon sequestration 41
carbonyl group 41
in fatty acids 107
carboplatin 41
carboxyl group 41
carboxylic acid 41
carbyne 41
carcinogen 41
cardiotech 41
Carnot, Sadi 41
Carnot cycle 41
carotenoids 41
carrier-linked prodrug 41
carrier wave 72
cartilage 53
cascade prodrug 41
catabolic pathway 42
catabolism 42
catabolite 42
catabolite activator protein
(CAP) 42
catalase 42
catalysis 8, 42,116, 117
intramolecular 142
micellar 178
nucleophilic 197
phase-transfer 211
catalysis law 34–35, 42
catalyst 19, 21, 42, 249
heterogenous 127
inhibitory 140
catalytic antibody 42
catalytic coefficient 26, 42
catenation 42
cathode 42, 89
cathode-ray tube 42
cathodic protection 42
cation 42
cation exchange 43
cation radical. Seecircular
dichroism; radical ion
cationtropic rearrangement.
Cat’s Cradle(Vonnegut) 161
CBS (colloidal bismuth
subcitrate). SeeDe-nol
CD. Seecircular dichroism
cell 43
cell cycle 66
328 Index