fuel cell 112, 133
Fuller, Richard Buckminster
35, 248
fullerene 113
functional group 113
fungi 50
fur 113
fused-ring compound 113
fusion 113, 113
heat of 125
FVP. Seeflash vacuum
pyrolysis (FVP)
Gairdner Foundation 26
gallamine 33
gallstones 70
galvanizing 115, 115
galvanometer 89
gamma (γ) band. Seesoret
gamma (γ) rays 90, 115,144,
Gandhi, Mahatma 57
gangue 115
gap junction 115
Garber, Harry K. 81
gas 115,173, 173
Avogadro’s law of 22
Boyle’s law of 33, 33
Brownian motion of
Charles’ law of 46
combining volumes law
of 161
compressed 55
Dalton’s law of 69
Graham’s law on 119
Henry’s law of 126
ideal 137, 155
Joule-Thompson effect
in 152
perfect 209
gas chromatography 82, 115
gas-phase acidity 115
gas-phase basicity 115
gated ion channel 116
Gauss’s law 54
Gay-Lussac’s law 161
Geiger, Hans 116
Geiger counter 116
gel 116
gel electrophoresis 116, 118
gem-dimethyl group 116
gene 116
general acid catalysis 116
general base catalysis 117
General Chemistry(Pauling)
genetic code 117
genetics 26, 29, 30, 51
genome 117
geological time 117
geology 24, 30
geometrical isomers (position
isomers) 117
geometry 50, 71, 125, 181
geothermal energy 117
geotropism 117
Gerlach, Agnes 110
Gerlach, J. von 110
germanium 177
germinate pair 116
germinate recombination
116, 116
g-factor. Seeelectron
paramagnetic resonance
Giaever, Ivar 152
Gibbs energy diagram 117,
Gibbs energy of activation
and additivity principle
and chemical
equilibrium 99
in limiting case 142
in Marcus equation
Gibbs free energy 118, 166
Gibbs phase rule 211
Gilbert, Celia 118
Gilbert, Walter 118
glass 118
glass electrode 118
glass transition temperature
global warming 18, 40
globulin 119
glow worms 28
glucagons 140
glucose 43, 78, 140, 157,
glutathione 131
glycogen 61, 118,163, 178
glycolysis 178
glycoprotein 118–119
gold 65, 86, 133
gold drugs 119
Gold Medal 38
GP120 119
Graham’s law 119
Gram stain 23
granulocyte colony-
stimulating factor (G-CSF)
graphite 48, 123
gravity cell 70, 70
Great Britain 57, 75
Greek letters used 119
Green, D. E. 163
greenhouse effect 40, 40,41,
119, 209
Grinkov, Sergei 82
ground state 119
group 119
leaving 162
group theory 120
growth factor 120
Grunwald-Winstein equation
guanine 117
guanylate cyclase 120
guest 120
guns 82
gypsum 120
Haber, Fritz 121
Haber, Siegfried 121
Haber process 121, 122
Haber-Weiss reaction 121
Hahn, Otto 122
half-cell 122, 122
half-life 122–123
half-reaction 123
Hall, Charles Martin 123
Hall process 123
halocarbon 123
halochromism 123
halogens 123
haloperoxidase 123
Hammett acidity function.
Seeacidity function
Hammett equation (Hammett
relation) 123, 146
Hammond principle
(Hammond postulate)
handwriting 81
Hansch analysis 124
Hansch constant 124
hapten 124 , 159
hapto 124
hard acid 124
hard base 124
hard drug 124
Harding, Warren 65
hard water 124
HCP (hexagonal close
packing) 124
heart disease 41, 51, 140
heat 37, 124
Hess’s law of,
summation 127
production of, in body
heat capacity 124
heat capacity of activation
heat of atomization 125
heat of condensation 125
heat of crystallization 125
heat of fusion 125
heat of reaction 125
heat of solution 125
heat of sublimation 125
heat of vaporization 125
heat-shock proteins (HSPs)
heavy water 125
Heisenberg uncertainty
principle 125
helium 125, 194
helix 125
heme 67, 68, 125–126
formation of 109
in iron-sulfur proteins
hemerythrin 126
hemileptic. Seehomoleptic
hemochromatosis 74, 126
hemocyanin 126
hemoglobin 13, 59, 126
Hench, Philip S. 154
equation 126
Henry’s law 126
herbicide 126
hertz 126
Herzberg, Gerhard 126–127
Hess’s law of heat summation
heterobimetallic complex 127
heteroconjugation 127
heterocyclic amine 127
heterocyclic compound 127
heterogenous catalyst 127
heterogenous equilibrium
heterogenous mixture 127
heteroleptic 127
heterolysis 79, 111–112, 127
heterolytic bond-dissociation
energy 127
heteronuclear 127
heteroreceptor 127
heterotrophic organisms 127
hyperconjugation. See
Heyrovsky, Jaroslav 128
hidden return. Seeion-pair
high-density polyethylene
highest occupied molecular
orbital (HOMO) 128
high-performance liquid
chromatography (HPLC)
128, 167
Index 333