Madelung constant 171
magic acid. Seesuperacid
magnesium 178
magnetic circular dichroism
(MCD) 171
magnetic equivalence 171
magnetic moment 172
magnetic quantum number
(ml) 172
magnetic resonance imaging
33, 172
magnetic susceptibility 172
magnetism 75, 109, 207
magnetite 29
magnetization transfer 172
magnetotactic 172
main group 172
malaria 57
malleability 172
manganese 86
Manhattan project 164, 188
manometer 172
marble 172
Marcus equation 142, 172
Marini-Bettòlo, G. B. 33
Markownikoff rule 172–173
Mascart Medal 160
mass 154, 173
mass action law 173
mass-law effect 173
mass number 173
mass spectrometry 82, 143,
maternofetal infection 6–7
mathematics 187
matrix isolation 173
matter 173, 173
conservation of 161
Maximilian Order 109
Max Planck Medal 71
Maxwell, James Clerk 18
McCarthyism 151
MCD. Seemagnetic circular
dichroism (MCD)
McMillan, Edwin Mattison
mean lifetime. Seelifetime
(mean lifetime τ)
mechanism 174
mechanism-based inhibition
The Mechanism of Nervous
Action(Adrian) 6
mechanoreceptor 174
mediator modulator
de’ Medici, Leopoldo 106
medicinal chemistry 175
medicine 24, 33
medium 175
megapascal (Mpa) 175
Meisenheimer adduct 175,
Meitner, Lise 122
melting point 175
melting point
membrane potential 175
meniscus 175
Menkes disease 175
Mepyramine 32–33
mercury 25, 106, 172
mercury battery 176
mesolytic cleavage 176
mesomeric effect 92, 176
mesomerism 176
mesophase 176
mesothorium 122
messenger 174–175
messenger RNA (mRNA)
met- 176
metabolism 13, 176
and enzyme induction
metabolite 176
metal 4, 7, 20, 42, 86, 176
malleability of 172
molecular 182
metal displacement 47
metallic bonding 176–177
metallic conduction 177
metalloenzyme 177, 177
metalloids 177
metallo-immunoassay 177
metallothionein 177
metallurgy 177
metals 23–24
metastable. Seestable
metathesis 177
meter 177
methane 2, 60, 97
and F-430 105
methane hydrate 177
methane monooxygenase
methanogen 177
methylene 39
methyl group 116
methylidyne 41
me-too drug 178
Meyer, Hans Horst 168
Meyerhof, Otto 129, 178
mica 178
micellar catalysis 178
micelle 63, 142, 178, 249
Michaelis-Menten equation
Michaelis-Menten kinetics
micronutrient 179
electron 92–93
light 165
microscopic diffusion control
microscopic reversibility 74,
microstate 179
microtubules 86
microwave 94, 179, 201
microwave spectrum 179
migration 179, 186
migratory aptitude 179
migratory insertion 179, 180
milk 159
mineral 180
minimum structural change,
principle of. Seemolecular
mining 25, 28, 115
miscibility 180
mitochondria 2, 20, 43,
67–68, 92, 180
chain in 94–95
Krebs cycle in 157
mitosis 56, 180
mixed valency 180
mixing control 180
mixture 180
mobile phase 180
Möbius aromaticity 180
Moco. Seemolybdenum
model 181
moderator 181
moiety 181
molality 181
molarity 181
molar solubility 181
mole (mol) 22, 48, 181, 186
of electrons 107
molecular chaperones 45
molecular configuration 58
molecular entity 181
molecular equation 181
molecular formula 181
molecular geometry 181
molecular graphics 181
molecularity 181
molecular mechanics
molecular mechanics
calculation 182
molecular metal 182
molecular modeling 182,
183,183–185, 186
molecular orbital 24, 182
molecular orbital theory 32,
molecular rearrangement 89,
182,182,186, 186
molecular solid 186
molecular vibration 194
molecular weight 86, 186
molecule 186, 215
molecules, repressor 99
mole fraction 186
molybdenum 86, 145
molybdenum cofactor (Moco)
187, 187
molybdopterin 41, 187, 187
monoamine 187
monomer 85, 187
monooxygenase 187
monoprotic acid 187
monosaccharide 187
morphogen 187
morphometrics 187
Moschner, Karl F. 248–249
Mössbauer effect 187–188
mother nuclide 188
motif 188
MRI. Seemagnetic resonance
mRNA. Seemessenger RNA
mucus 119
Mueller, W. 116
Müller, Paul Herman 188
Mulliken, Robert S. 188, 208
multicenter bond 188–189
multicenter reaction 189
multicopper oxidases 189
multident. Seeambident
multienzyme 189
multiheme 189
multiple bond 189
murder 82
muscle relaxant 33
Muscular Activity(Hill) 129
muscular contraction
Muscular Movement in Man
(Hill) 129
mu (μ) symbol 34, 189
mutagen 189
mutagenesis 189
mutation 116, 189
mutual prodrug 189
myocrysin 119
myoglobin 189
NAD+ 191
NADH 191
NADP+ 191
NADPH 66, 191
nanoparticle 191
nanotube (buckytube) 191
336 Index