The History of Christianity: From the Disciples to the Dawn of the Reformation

(Rick Simeone) #1
o Although Origen was careful to observe traditional teaching,
his bold vision, pushed to an extreme by later disciples, led to
the eventual condemnation of “Origenism.”

•    Origen wrote a massive apologetic work, Against Celsus, that
demonstrated not only his loyalty to the faith but his enormous
learning and sophistication as a thinker. Celsus was a philosopher
and author of the True Word (178), an attack on Christianity
as ignorant, superstitious, and impious. Origen’s response is a
masterpiece of apologetic, securely locating Christianity within the
world of ancient learning.

The Future of Christian Philosophy
• The development of this strand of philosophically colored
Christianity was of considerable importance for the future.

•    The ancient philosophical conviction that right morals derived from
right opinion (“orthodoxy”) reinforced the emphasis on doctrine
within the Christian tradition.

•    Equally, the heritage of philosophy as a “way of being religious as
moral transformation” found expression in later forms of monasticism.

Daniélou (Mitchell, trans.), Origen.

Lilla, Clement of Alexandria.

  1. Discuss the analysis of Greco-Roman and Christian religion in terms
    of “ways of being religious.” What are the benefits and deficits of such
    an analysis?

  2. Consider the distinctive insistence in religion on linking “right thinking”
    and “right behavior.”

Suggested Reading

Questions to Consider

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