Engineering Mechanics

(Joyce) #1

Chapter 1 : Introduction „„„„„ 11

  1. If the differential coefficient of a function is zero, the function is either maximum or mini-
    mum. Conversely, if the maximum or minimum value of a function is required, then differ-
    entiate the function and equate it to zero.


  1. ∫dxis the sign of integration.



xdxn xxxdx


(i.e., to integration any power of x, add one to the power and divide by the new power).

  1. ∫∫77;dx==x C dx Cx
    (i.e., to integrate any constant, multiply the constant by x).



ax bndx ax b

+ +
∫ +×

(i.e., to integrate any bracket with power, add one to the power and divide by the new power
and also divide by the coefficient of x within the bracket).


The scalar quantities (or sometimes known as scalars) are those quantities which have magnitude
only such as length, mass, time, distance, volume, density, temperature, speed etc.


The vector quantities (or sometimes known as
vectors) are those quantities which have both magnitude
and direction such as force, displacement, velocity,
acceleration, momentum etc. Following are the important
features of vector quantities :

  1. Representation of a vector. A vector is
    represented by a directed line as shown in
    Fig. 1.2. It may be noted that the length OA
    represents the magnitude of the vector OA—→. The
    direction of the vector is —OA→is from O (i.e.,
    starting point) to A (i.e., end point). It is also
    known as vector P.

  2. Unit vector. A vector, whose magnitude is unity,
    is known as unit vector.

  3. Equal vectors. The vectors, which are parallel to each other and have same direction (i.e.,
    same sense) and equal magnitude are known as equal vectors.

  4. Like vectors. The vectors, which are parallel to each other and have same sense but unequal
    magnitude, are known as like vectors.

  5. Addition of vectors. Consider two vectors PQ and RS, which are required to be added as
    shown in Fig. 1.3. (a).

Fig. 1.2. Vector (^) OA

The velocity of this cyclist is an example
of a vector quantity.

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