Mycoplasma/Ureaplasma Clinical Microbiology Review 217
Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Mycoplasma hominis
Smallest free-living cells. Lack cell wall. Pleomorphic. Not visible
by Gram staining. Difficult to grow. Culture rarely performed. May
take 21 days or more. Usually Dx by serology.
Only species that will grow on SBA & CHOC but may require
4 days. Pinpoint translucent colonies easily overlooked. “Fried-egg”
colonies seen with stereomicroscope after staining with methylene
blue. Serological methods available.
Granular brown appearance on A8 agar because of urease produc-
tion. Serological methods available.
Primary atypical pneumonia
(walking pneumonia)
Urogenital tract disease
Urogenital tract disease