Ova and Parasite Examination Clinical Microbiology Review 235
Number of specimens
Interfering substances
Direct smear, saline
Direct smear, iodine
Sedimentation method
Flotation method
Permanent stained slides
Antibiotics, antiseptics, barium, laxatives, mineral oil, soap, water, urine
Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), 5%–10% formalin, MIF, sodium acetate–acetic acid–formalin (SAF).
Formed stools may be refrigerated for 1–2 days
On fresh liquid stools. To observe motility of trophs
1% D’Antoni or Lugol’s iodine. To observe nuclei of cysts. Trophs will be killed
To concentrate parasites & separate from fecal debris
Formalin-ethyl acetate. Recovers eggs, larvae, cysts
33% zinc sulfate. Specific gravity 1.18. Parasites float to top. May miss operculated eggs,
unfertilized Ascaris
For Dx of protozoa. PVA fixed or fresh specimen. Iron hematoxylin or trichrome stain