Quick Review Cards for Medical Laboratory Science

(avery) #1

Intestinal Sporozoans Clinical Microbiology Review 244


Isospora belli

Cryptosporidium parvum

Cyclospora cayentanensis


Human is definitive host. Causes anorexia,
nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, possi-
ble malabsorption.

Important opportunistic infection in AIDS
patients. Causes chronic diarrhea in
immunosuppressed, acute self-limited
diarrhea in immunocompetent.

Prolonged diarrhea.

Obligate intracellular parasites. Oppor-
tunistic pathogens, mainly in AIDS
patients. Cause prolonged diarrhea.
Can disseminate. Molecular studies indi-
cate related to fungi.

Ingestion of oocysts in
fecally contaminated
food or water

Ingestion of oocysts from
food or water contami-
nated with animal feces,
oral/anal route, direct
contact with infected
individual or animal

Contaminated food &

Ingestion of spores

Oocysts in feces. 30 × 12 μm.
Transparent. 1–2 sporoblasts.

Modified acid-fast stain of feces.
Red spherical bodies 3–6 μm.
4 sporozoites. Immunoassay kits.

Oocysts in direct wet mount.
8–10 μm. Variable staining with
modified acid-fast stain. Autoflu-
orescence under UV light. Bright
blue at 365 nm, mint green at
450–490 nm.

Chromotrope or calcofluor white
stain of formalin-preserved stool.
Spores are 1.5–4.0 μm.
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