Quick Review Cards for Medical Laboratory Science

(avery) #1

Normal Crystals Found in Acid or Neutral


Urinalysis and Body

Fluids Review 502


Amorphous urates

Uric acid

Calcium oxalate

Form pink precipitate in bottom of tube. May
obscure significant sediment. Dissolve by
warming to 60ºC.

Birefringent. Polarizes light.

Occasionally found in slightly alk urine. Mono-
hydrate form may be mistaken for RBCs. Most
common constituent of renal calculi. From
oxalate-rich foods.

Irregular granules.

Pleomorphic. 4-sided, 6-sided, star-shaped,
rosettes, spears, plates. Colorless, red-brown,
or yellow.

Octahedral (8-sided) envelope form is most
common. Also dumbbell & ovoid forms.

From Strasinger SK, Di Lorenzo MS. Urinalysis and Body Fluids, 5th ed. Philadelphia: FA Davis; 2008:113.

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