Quick Review Cards for Medical Laboratory Science

(avery) #1

Test-Taking Tips

Management &

Education Review 595

  • Set a study schedule & stick to it. Frequent, short study
    sessions are more productive than long, irregular ones.

  • Spend the most time on your weak areas.

  • Look at the exam content outline. Don’t spend an
    inordinate amount of time on topics that represent a
    low percentage of test items.

  • If possible, drive to the examination site ahead of the
    exam so that you know how to get there & how long
    it takes.

  • Don’t cram the night before the exam.

  • Get a good night’s sleep the night before the exam.

  • Eat a good breakfast the morning of the exam.

  • Review the examination instructions & make sure you
    have the documentation & materials required.

  • Allow plenty of extra time to get to the examination
    site so that you will be relaxed when you arrive.

  • Read the instructions carefully before beginning the test.

  • Wear a watch & budget your time. Don’t spend an in-
    ordinate amount of time on any one question. If you
    aren’t sure of an answer, mark that question & come
    back to it. Sometimes a later question will jog your
    memory or provide a clue.

    • Read the question & try to think of the answer without
      looking at the choices, then look for that answer
      among the choices.

    • Read all choices before answering.

    • Answer all questions. You have a 25% chance of get-
      ting the question right by guessing. You can increase
      your odds by taking an “educated guess.” Eliminate
      choices that are obviously incorrect.

    • Read questions carefully looking for key words such as
      “best,” “most likely,” “least likely,” and “not.”

    • Choices with absolute words like “never,” “none,”
      “always,” “every,” or “all” are usually not the correct

    • Options “all of the above” or “none of the above” are
      often the correct answer.

    • When all of the choices are numbers, the probability of
      guessing the right answer is increased by eliminating
      the highest and lowest numbers.

    • Correct options are often longer or more detailed than

    • It is usually best not to change answers.

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