PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION: A contemporary introduction

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Burtt, E. A. (1951) Types of Religious Philosophy, New York: Harper and Brothers.
After discussing Greek and biblical thought considers major traditions and some
issues in philosophy of religion.
MacIntosh, H. R. (1940) The Problem of Religious Knowledge, New York: Harper
and Brothers. Discussion of wide range of theories of religious knowledge.
Patterson, Robert Leet (1970) The Philosophy of Religion, Durham, NC: Duke
University Press. An account of the natures of philosophy and religion followed
by a discussion of issues in the philosophy of religion.
Thomas, George F. (1970) Philosophy and Religious Belief, New York: Charles
Scribner’s Sons. Discussion of grounds of belief, God and the world, and freedom
and grace.
Thomas, George F. (1973) Religious Philosophies of the West, New York: Charles
Scribner’s Sons. Discusses the positions of “Western” philosophers of religion
from Plato through Tillich, with glance beyond.
Thompson, Samuel (1955) A Modern Philosophy of Religion, Chicago: Henry
Regnery. Another account of the natures of philosophy and religion followed by a
discussion of issues in the philosophy of religion.
Wieman, H. N. and Meland, Bernard Eugene (eds) (1936) American Philosophers
of Religion, Chicago: Willett, Clark, and Co. Varieties of philosophies of religion
held in American culture.

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