PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION: A contemporary introduction

(avery) #1

change 5, 6, 113, 187, 188–9, 192
Christianity 4, 24–5, 32, 54, 59–60,
148, 361
chronological cause 185–6
cloud chamber 48
cognitive vs affective state 48
Common Reasoning 138–43
common sense beliefs 3
compatibilism 309–10, 315, 361; actions
vs nonactions 316–17; argument
against 310–11; constraints 318;
freedom 317–18, 321; negative story
319–21; positive story 318–19
Complexity View of persons 246–52;
critiques against 248–59; different
results problem 255–6; logical
impossibility problem 256; perfect
resemblance mistake 256–7;
relevance to Jainism and Buddhism
257; on there being a fact of the
matter 257–9
concurrent cause 185–6
conditionals 95
confirmationism 352–3
consistency strategy 361; problems
with 129–31; straightforward
inconsistency 128–9
contingency 348–9
Control Principle 312–15, 321
copiers and annihilators 252–5, 252–9;
different results problem 255–6
Cornman, J.W. 260, 263
Cosmological Argument 195, 203–4,
361; claims concerning 202–3; stage
one 196; stage two 196–8; stage
three 198–200; stage four 200–2
creation in time view 182
Creator–creature distinction 59–60
cultural beliefs 3

de re/de dicto necessities 172–4
Descartes, René 174, 287–9, 296
descriptions, of enlightenment
experience 272–3
determinism 361; based on logical
necessity 306–8; and Control
Principle 312–15; and explanation
311–12; monotheistic 333–5; not
based on logical necessity 308
diagnosis 361
Digha Nikaya II, text from 42

disappearance of species see animals
diversity 61–3
divine foreknowledge 335; comments
on argument 336; now not to
understand 336–7
doctrine 361; agreement on importance
of 53–6; diversity in 61–3;
metaphysical 59–60; moral 60–1
domains 186–7
dualism 242, 361; arguments against
262–3; Jain 259–61
duration 287
Dvaita (Unqualified Dualism) 101, 104

ecology, and evil 152–60
eliminative materialism 263
eliminativism 107–9
empirical possibility 222–3
enduring-mental-substance view 295–7
enlightenment 30–1, 48, 54, 56, 111,
115, 361
enlightenment experience: Advaita
appeal to 285–6; appeals to of 267;
Buddhist-type appeals to 293–5;
contrast of arguments 295–7;
descriptions of 272–3; and
experimental evidence 268–70;
experts in 270; Jain–type appeals to
286–93; as qualityless,
indestructible, momentary 268–9,
272, 273–5, 279–85
entails 361
epistemology 17
essences 96, 361
ethical theory 361
ethics 17, 362
evangelism 69
everlasting world strategy 181, 183
evidence: being vs providing 228–30;
experience as direct 216–18; from
religious experience 230–1
evil 5–6, 124, 362; actually (or
metaphysically) pointless 143–7,
150, 162; and consistency issue 128–
31; divinely unjustifiable 161; and
ecology 152–60; evidential issue
131–8; and existence of God 125–6,
127–8; and Greek monotheism 87,
88; imaginably but not contextually
pointful argument 135–6;
inexplicable 162; and moral
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