the economics of money, banking, and financial markets

(Sean Pound) #1
65 #
© 2014 Pearson Canada Inc.#

  1. Of money's three functions, the one that distinguishes money from other assets is its function
    as a ____.
    A) store of value
    B) unit of account
    C) standard of deferred payment
    D) medium of exchange
    Answer: D
    Diff: 1 Type: MC Page Ref: 47
    Skill: Recall
    Objective List: 3.2 Distinguish among the three primary functions of money

  2. When compared to exchange systems that rely on money, disadvantages of the barter system
    include ____.
    A) the requirement of a double coincidence of wants
    B) lowering the cost of exchanging goods over time
    C) lowering the cost of exchange to those who would specialize
    D) encouraging specialization and the division of labor
    Answer: A
    Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 47
    Skill: Recall
    Objective List: 3.2 Distinguish among the three primary functions of money

  3. The conversion of a barter economy to one that uses money ____.
    A) increases efficiency by reducing the need to exchange goods and services
    B) increases efficiency by reducing the need to specialize
    C) increases efficiency by reducing transactions costs
    D) does not increase economic efficiency
    Answer: C
    Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 48
    Skill: Recall
    Objective List: 3.2 Distinguish among the three primary functions of money

  4. Which of the following statements best explains how the use of money in an economy
    increases economic efficiency?
    A) Money increases economic efficiency because it is costless to produce.
    B) Money increases economic efficiency because it discourages specialization.
    C) Money increases economic efficiency because it decreases transactions costs.
    D) Money cannot have an effect on economic efficiency.
    Answer: C
    Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 48
    Skill: Recall
    Objective List: 3.2 Distinguish among the three primary functions of money

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