the economics of money, banking, and financial markets

(Sean Pound) #1
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© 2014 Pearson Canada Inc.#

  1. Which of the following statements concerning Keynesian ISLM analysis is true?
    A) For a given change in taxes, the IS curve will shift less than for an equal change in
    government spending.
    B) Changes in net exports arising from a change in interest rates causes a shift in the IS curve.
    C) A fall in the money supply shifts the LM curve to the right.
    D) Expansionary fiscal policy will cause the interest rate to fall.
    Answer: A
    Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 8 - 9
    Skill: Recall
    Objective List: WEB CHAPTER: The ISLM Model

  2. Referring to the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008, the expansionary effect of the government
    stimulus was overwhelmed by the continuing deterioration in credit market conditions.
    Everything else held constant and using the ISLM model, the net effect would cause the
    ____ curve to ____ and output will ____.
    A) IS; shift left; decrease
    B) IS; shift right; increase
    C) LM; shift right; increase
    D) LM; shift left; decrease
    Answer: A
    Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 9
    Skill: Recall
    Objective List: WEB CHAPTER: The ISLM Model

  3. Using the ISLM model, explain the effects of a monetary expansion combined with a fiscal
    contraction. How do the equilibrium level of output and interest rate change?
    Answer: The monetary expansion shifts the LM curve to the right which by itself would cause
    the interest rate to decrease and aggregate output to increase. The fiscal contraction shifts the IS
    curve to the left which by itself would cause the interest rate to decrease and aggregate output to
    decrease. Therefore, the equilibrium interest rate unambiguously falls, while the effect on output
    is indeterminate.
    Diff: 2 Type: SA Page Ref: 7 - 9
    Skill: Recall
    Objective List: WEB CHAPTER: The ISLM Model

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