
(Axel Boer) #1

300 S 1 Corrections and Prison Practices—Civic horensics

such actions may appear as proper precautions to ensure the safety of society against
further victimization by convicted sex offenders. However, these actions also need
to be examined in terms of whether they serve their intended function of curbing
recidivism. Further, one needs to question whether the constitutional rights of the
offender are violated. The case of Jose illustrates the repercussions that recent im-
plementation of community notification laws have on both sex offenders and their

|osc is a 19-year-old Latino male who has been participating in sex offender-specific
treatment for the past 6 months. Jose attends high school and works 30 hours a week
in order to pay for his treatment. One Monday night during a group therapy session,
Jose disclosed the devastation that he and his family have encountered as a result oi his
sexual offense, and, specifically, the mandated registration and community notification
laws. |ose revealed how he was recently confronted by five men whom he considered
friends. They located Jose's name on the CD-ROM which contains information about all
registered sex offenders. Accessible information included Jose's name, picture, zip code,
and a description of his offense.
Jose tearfully described how his friends did not stop after confronting just him.
They also confronted Jose's sister, who, they learned, was his victim. They then took it
upon themselves to notify Jose's girlfriend (who subsequently left him), Jose's place of
employment (which subsequently fired him), and students at his school. Feeling extremely
scared and alone, Jose disclosed his feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness. He stated,
"1 will never overcome my status as a sex offender, and no matter how much treatment [
receive, I will continue to be hated by everyone. My family is being hurt because of me,
and life is not: worth it anymore." Jose then disclosed that he was intending to commit

Literature Review

The case ofjose is an example of a young man who has completed a jail sentence for
his offense and is currently receiving outpatient sex-offender treatment while he is
on probation. Despite these punishment and rehabilitation efforts, society imposes
additional requirements for the protection of the community against individuals
such as Jose. These additional requirements are explored in terms of their respective
advantages and disadvantages within the literature. The three issues examined are
the registration and community notification laws, the statute for Sexually Violent
Predators, and chemical castration.

Sex-Offender Registration and Community Notification

The death of 7-year-old Megan Kanka sparked a nationwide movement to release
information about the location and identity of sex offenders in the community.
New Jersey was the first state to pass "Megan's Law" after the young girl was raped
and murdered by a convicted child molester who had moved into her neighborhood.
Currently, "Megan's Law" is upheld under federal legislation and is upheld in every

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