
(Axel Boer) #1
Inmate Sexualny 309

ability of all female COs, proving that they can do the job as well as their male coun-
terparts. This can cause female COs to be wary of making mistakes, so they imitate
the male officers, which may not be the most effective way to perform their job.
The fact that sexual harassment is still occurring in all-male prisons underscores
an important political dynamic for women working as correctional officers. This
type of behavior interferes with basic civil rights and therefore should be assessed
by policy makers in an attempt to prevent women from having to endure such de-
grading experiences in their place of business. Sexual harassment further reinforces
the notion that women are subordinate and not worthy of being treated as equals
in the job environment. Policy analysts must address this false sentiment.

Suggestions for Future Research

Although work-related sexual harassment was dealt with to a certain extent during
the first few decades after Title VII was passed, this trend has not continued. The
effects of stricter, more defined sexual harassment laws in regard to women working
in all-male prisons is a major area of needed research. Are women COs more willing
to bring these situations out into the open now that sexual harassment is in the public
eye? Do women now garner better results in getting this behavior to stop without
having to sacrifice their jobs or level of respect by their coworkers?
Another area of inquiry should focus on the effects to family members. Devel-
oping a tougher, more aggressive personality could have a major impact on a female
correctional officer's family. It could change the dynamics of the marital relationship
or have an impact on the way she raises her children. In Jane's situation, she had a
difficult time leaving her work personality at work. She spoke to her children the
way she spoke to the inmates and guards. Consequently, does being a CO cause
women to redefine their entire identity in order to succeed in the correctional
setting? Research is needed in this area.
Finally, Zimmer (1987) proposes that maybe women should not be evaluated
the same way that men are in these traditionally held male jobs. Specifically, an
assessment could be undertaken, exploring the requirements for a correctional of-
ficer's job, followed by an evaluation as to whether the officer met them without
looking at the manner in which they were met. A precedent needs to be set for
acknowledging that women can perform their duties differently from men and be
just as effective.

Inmate Sexuality


For many people, it seems that the topic of sex and sexuality is one that causes
discomfort and maybe even embarrassment. When viewing such an awkward topic

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