process, called overexpression, alters the way in
which the cells grow and divide.
Hormonal factors Breast cancer cells may have
receptors on the surfaces of their cell membranes
for estrogen, progesterone, or both. These are hor-
mone-positive cancer cells—designated as estro-
gen positive (ER+) or progesterone positive (PR+),
with an accompanying percentage or numeric
value that identifies the relative proportion or
number of positive hormone receptors.
Immune factors The risk for breast cancer, like
most types of cancer, increases with age. As
immune function diminishes with age, so does the
body’s ability to protect itself against health condi-
tions such as cancer. Researchers are exploring the
roles foods and NUTRIENTSplay in supporting the
IMMUNE SYSTEM’s ability to identify, contain, and
eliminate cancer cells that develop. Immune dys-
function appears to play a direct role in one rare
but aggressive type of breast cancer, inflammatory
breast cancer (IBC). In IBC the breast cancer cells
collect in the LY M P Hvessels, causing INFLAMMATION
within the breast rather than forming a discreet
ADENOCARCINOMA infiltrating comedocarcinoma
infiltrating intraductal infiltrating lobular carcinoma
CARCINOMA(IDC) inflammatory BREASTcancer
intraductal carcinoma (IBC)
lobular carcinoma in situ mucinous (colloid) carcinoma
(LCIS) noninfiltrating
noninfiltrating intraductal comedocarcinoma
papillary carcinoma tubular carcinoma
Breast cancer in men Though people think of
breast cancer as a woman’s condition, men also
can develop breast cancer. Breast cancer in men is
rare, occurring in 1 man for every 100 women
who develop it. Men develop fewer types of breast
cancers as well, because their breasts do not have
the glandular tissue prevalent in the breasts of
women. The types of breast cancers that occur in
men are ADENOCARCINOMA, ductal carcinoma in situ
(DCIS), and infiltrating ductal carcinoma (IDC).
Men can also develop PAGET’S DISEASE OF THE
BREAST, a condition in which cancer cells migrate
into the SKIN around the nipple, though this
uncommon type of cancer is even more rare in
men than in women. Symptoms of male breast
cancer are the same as symptoms breast cancer in
women. Many treatment options are also the
same. Doctors diagnose about 1,700 men with
breast cancer each year in the United States.
Symptoms and Diagnostic Path
In most situations the only symptom of breast
cancer is a lump that the woman, her health-care
provider, or a mammogram detects. Most breast
cancer tumors do not hurt. Other symptoms of
breast cancer may include
- nipple discharge, typically watery or sometimes
blood tinged - dimpling of the skin on the surface of the breast
- changes in the appearance of, or inversion of,
the nipple - changes in the shape or profile of the breast
- general sense of tiredness or lack of energy
The diagnostic path may include diagnostic
mammogram, breast ULTRASOUND, fine-needle aspi-
ration biopsy of the lump to obtain cell samples
for laboratory examination, or excisional biopsy to
remove the lump and provide tissue for laboratory
examination. Excisional biopsy provides conclu-
sive diagnosis. The pathologist determines the
hormonal sensitivity of the cancer cells (estrogen
or progesterone receptor positive) and whether
they are her-2positive or negative. Many cancer
centers conduct further testing to analyze the
genetic composition of the cancer cells. Such test-
ing provides insights into how the cancer cells
grow and often reveals their vulnerabilities, allow-
ing precisely targeted treatments. As well, the
pathologist evaluates the size and characteristics of
the tumor to determine its grade (level of abnor-
mality in the cells) and stage (extent of the
tumor). These factors in combination are crucial
for determining appropriate CANCER TREATMENT
Treatment Options and Outlook
Primary treatment for early stage breast cancer of
any type is surgery to remove the cancer, which
may be lumpectomy (removal of the lump and a
breast cancer 251