Facts on File Encyclopedia of Health and Medicine

(Jeff_L) #1

the section “The Gastrointestinal System.” The
researcher can also consult the index at the back
of the volume to locate the entry, then turn to the
appropriate page in the volume.
Terms that appear in SMALL CAPSwithin the text
of an entry are themselves entries elsewhere in
The Facts On File Encyclopedia of Health and Medicine.
Encyclopedia users can look up the entries for
those terms as well, for further information of
potential interest. Such SMALL CAPScross references
typically provide related content that expands
upon the primary topic, sometimes leading the
user in new research directions he or she might
otherwise not have explored.
For example, the entry hypertensionis in the
section “The Cardiovascular System.” The entry
presents a comprehensive discussion of the health
condition hypertension (high blood pressure),
covering symptoms, diagnosis, treatment options,
risk factors, and prevention efforts. Among the
numerous SMALL CAPScross references within the
hypertension entry are the entries for

  • retinopathy, an entry in the section “The
    Eyes” in Volume 1, which discusses damage to
    the eye that may result from untreated or
    poorly managed hypertension

  • blood pressure, an entry in the Volume 2 sec-
    tion “The Cardiovascular System,” which dis-
    cusses the body’s mechanisms for maintaining
    appropriate pressure within the circulatory sys-

  • strokeand heart attack, entries in Volume 2’s
    “The Cardiovascular System” about significant
    health conditions that may result from hyper-

  • kidney,an entry in the section “The Urinary
    System” in Volume 3, which discusses the kid-
    ney’s role in regulating the body’s electrolyte
    balances and fluid volume to control blood

  • atherosclerosis, diabetes, hyperlipidemia,
    and obesity, entries in the sections “The Car-
    diovascular System” in Volume 2, “The
    Endocrine System” in Volume 3, and “Lifestyle
    Variables: Smoking and Obesity” in Volume 4,
    and all of which are health conditions that con-
    tribute to hypertension

Following the path of an encyclopedic entry’s
internal cross references, as shown above, can
illuminate connections between body systems;
define and apply medical terminology; reveal a
broad matrix of related health conditions, issues,
and concerns; and more. TheSMALL CAPScross ref-
erences indicated within the text of encyclopedic
entries lead encyclopedia users on wide-ranging
research pathways that branch and blossom.
At the end of the entry for hypertensiona list
of cross references gathered in alphabetical order
links together groups of related entries in other
sections and volumes, such as smoking cessa-
tionin Volume 4’s “Lifestyle Variables: Smoking
and Obesity,” to provide specific, highly relevant
research strings. These see alsocross references also
appear in SMALL CAPS, identifying them at a glance.
Encyclopedia users are encouraged to look here
for leads on honing research with precision to a
direct pathway of connected entries.
So, extensive cross-references in The Facts On
File Encyclopedia of Health and Medicine link related
topics within and across sections and volumes, in
both broad and narrow research pathways. This
approach encourages researchers to investigate
beyond the conventional level and focus of infor-
mation, providing logical direction to relevant
subjects. Each cross-referenced entry correspond-
ingly has its own set of cross references, ever
widening the web of knowledge.

Using the Facts On File Encyclopedia
of Health and Medicine
Each section of the encyclopedia begins with an
overview that introduces the section and its key
concepts, connecting information to present a
comprehensive view of the relevant system of the
human body or health and medical subject area.
For most body systems, this overview begins with
a list and drawings of the system’s structures and
incorporates discussion of historic, current, and
future contexts.
Entries present a spectrum of information from
lifestyle factors and complementary methods to
the most current technologic advances and
approaches, as appropriate. Text that is set apart or
bold within an entry gives an important health
warning, or targets salient points of interest to add
layers of meaning and context. Lists and tables

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