to further classify and understand the prostate
cancer’s characteristics to optimally tailor treat-
ment approaches. The two main conventional
staging systems are
- the numeric system, which identifies five levels
of tumor aggressiveness (stage 0 through stage
4, or IV) - the American Joint Committee on Cancer
(AJCC) tumor, node, and metastasis (TNM) sys-
tem, which assigns numeric values to the size
of the tumor, invasion of LY M P H nodes, and
spread to distant organs or structures
Treatment Options and Outlook
The treatment of choice for men under age 70 is
nearly always PROSTATECTOMY, a surgical OPERATION
to remove the prostate gland, with adjuvant (fol-
MONE THERAPYas appropriate. Radiation therapy is
most effective when the cancer remains confined
to the prostate gland. For men over age 70, in
prostate cancer 329
Gleason Pattern
pattern 1 cells and architecture nearly normal (well differentiated)
pattern 2 cells nearly normal though glandular cells beginning to invade MUSCLEtissue within thePROSTATE GLAND
pattern 3 cells still maintain glandular structure though invasion of muscle tissue within the prostate gland is significant;
possible regional METASTASIS
pattern 4 significant cell abnormality with loss of normal architecture and distorted glandular structure; probable regional
metastasis; possible distant metastasis
pattern 5 cells and architecture completely irregular and abnormal (undifferentiated); probable distant and multiple
Gleason Score
2 lowest possible score; very early cancer with excellent prognosis
3 to 4 slow growing tumor; early cancer with good prognosis
5 to 6 mildly aggressive tumor likely confined to the prostate gland
7 moderately aggressive tumor with possible regional metastasis
8 to 9 aggressive tumor with regional metastasis
10 highly aggressive tumor with multiple distant metastases
stage A very early, localized cancer; only indication is elevated BLOOD PROSTATE-SPECIFIC ANTIGEN(PSA) level
A1: well-differentiated or single site within PROSTATE GLAND
A2: clearly abnormal cells or multiple sites within prostate gland
stage B localized cancer palpable via DIGITAL RECTAL EXAMINATION(DRE); may cause mild symptoms
B1: single site
B2: multiple sites
stage C METASTASISto adjacent tissue but not to LYMPHnodes
C1: tumor is outside the prostate gland but nonobstructive
C2: tumor obstructs the BLADDERor the URETHRA(urinary symptoms)
stage D metastasis to lymph nodes or distant organs
D1: regional LYMPH NODEinvolvement
D2: distant lymph node or organ involvement (including BONE)
D3: RECURRENCEafter treatment