Facts on File Encyclopedia of Health and Medicine

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the child that shapes behavior and mechanisms of
communication. This approach ties in with the
child’s inherent need for repetition and order in
his or her personal environment. Older children
sometimes benefit from medications such as selec-
tive serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), ANTIDE-
PRESSANT MEDICATIONSthat appear to help stabilize
BRAINfunction in autism. Some children whose
behavior is aggressive may benefit from ANTIPSY-
CHOTIC MEDICATIONS, and children who have signifi-
cant trouble staying focused may benefit from
medications used to treat ATTENTION DEFICIT HYPER-
Adults who have mild autism (often called
higher functioning autism or Asperger’s syn-
drome) are often able to function in work situa-
tions, though their lack of social skills may create
who have moderate autism generally benefit from
continuation of a highly structured environment,
which may mean continuing to live with parents

or other responsible adults. Adults who have
severe autism often need the extensive supervi-
sion and ongoing care that living in a group home
or secure, supervised residential facility provides
for them.

Risk Factors and Preventive Measures
The causes of autism are unknown. There has
been speculation of a correlation between
thimerosal, a mercury-based preservative used in
some childhood vaccines, and autism and between
autism and environmental exposure to mercury as
well as to lead. Researchers continue to study
these potential links though so far have found no
definitive evidence to clearly support or refute
them. There is a known connection between the
genetic disorder fragile X syndrome and autism,
and researchers suspect though have yet to con-
firm other genetic causes.

autism 365
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