Facts on File Encyclopedia of Health and Medicine

(Jeff_L) #1

nephropathy 210
nephrotoxins 212
oliguria 213
renal failure 218
urolithiasis 227
dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)
119, 245
delta islet cells 149, 158
delusion 367, 368, 371,379, 381,
depression 371–372
andropause 245
bipolar disorder 366
cognitive therapy 369
cyclothymic disorder 370
dysthymic disorder 373
ECT 375
GAD 376
OCD 378
psychiatric disorders and
psychologic conditions 357,
PTSD 380
SAD 382
schizophrenia 383
sexual dysfunction 338
suicidal ideation and suicide 385
desmopressin (DDAVP) 188
Detrol. Seetolterodine
detrusor muscle 178, 226
DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone)
119, 245
diabetes 119–122, 121 t, 122 t
acromegaly 105
aging, urinary system changes
that occur with 175, 176
endocrine system 102–103
enuresis 187
glomerulonephritis 192
glucagon 128
hemochromatosis 133
hydronephrosis 196
hyperkalemia 138
hypoglycemia 142
islet cell transplantation 149
islets of Langerhans 149
kidney donor 200
kidneys 202
nephrectomy 207
nephropathy 210
nephrotoxins 212
rapid gastric emptying 86
renal failure 218, 219
sexual dysfunction 338
Turner’s syndrome 348
urinary system 173

urinary urgency 225
diabetes insipidus 114, 122–124
diabetes mellitus. Seediabetes
Diabinese (chlorpropamide)
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorders(DSM) 358
diarrhea 34, 34 t
antidiarrheal medications 12–13
fiber and gastrointestinal health
GAD 376
gastrointestinal system 5
short bowel syndrome 88
steatorrhea 90
diazepam (Valium) 359
diet and health 44, 90
digestive enzymes 34–35
digestive hormones 35
duodenum 36
gastrointestinal system 3
insulin 148
islets of Langerhans 149
malabsorption 77
pancreas 79
small bowel transplantation 89
somatostatin 159
stomach 90
stomach cancer 90
digestive hormones 35
digestive enzymes 35
gallbladder 46
gastrointestinal system 1, 3
glucagon 128
glucose 128
H2 antagonist medications 59
insulin 148
pancreas 79
small bowel transplantation 89
digestive system. Seegastrointestinal
digital rectal examination (DRE)
35,54, 86, 249
dilation and curettage (D&C) 268,
dilation and evacuation (D&E) 240
dissociative amnesia 359, 372
dissociative disorder 372–373,381,
Ditropan. Seeoxybutynin
diverticular disease 35–36, 36 t, 65
DNA 57, 244
dopamine 124
adrenal glands 107, 108
aldosterone 112
antidepressant medications 361

antipsychotic medications 363
ECT 375
endocrine system 99
epinephrine 126
hypothalamus 145
norepinephrine 152
pheochromocytoma 154
DRE. Seedigital rectal examination
DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders) 358
DUB. Seedysfunctional uterine
duodenum 36–37
bowel atresia 20
gallbladder 46
gastrointestinal bleeding 51
gastrointestinal system 3, 4
gastroparesis 52
Helicobacter pylori 53
peptic ulcer disease 81
small intestine 89
dysfunctional uterine bleeding
(DUB) 268, 268–269, 318
dysmenorrhea 243, 269, 269–270,
270 t
dyspepsia 11, 37,42, 323
dysthymic disorder 372, 373
dysuria 179, 186, 186 t, 227

eating disorders 94, 243, 361,
Echinococcus granulosus 54
ECL (enterochromaffin-like) cells
eclampsia 271, 289
ECT. Seeelectroconvulsive therapy
ectopic pregnancy 8, 271–272,293,
EEG (electroencephalogram) 384
eggs. Seeova
ejaculation 272
erection 278
infertility 293
Kegel exercises 199
nocturnal emission 306
orgasm 308
semen 337
sexual intercourse 339
sperm 342
sperm donation 342
urethra 222
vas deferens 354
ELAD (extracorporeal liver assist
device) 75

396 Index

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